Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Valley of the Kings Revisited - LexiLine Journal 346

A new member of our group, kbroscoe (stoneseer) has some observations concerning a previous LexiLine posting:


And thank you for inviting me to come to your group. I wondered if you also see what looks to me like a sculpture of a woman standing to the left of the giant, her height being slightly
less than the entire cliff? The curvatious lines there are set in good relief against the more rectilinear forms around her and she appears to be holding something, looks a bit like a pitcher perhaps, because it seems to be held at a tilt, as if pouring. There even seem to be lines forming a bodice of clothing. But the face is not there, could be weathered away? It jumped out to me because of the curves against the straight, and I wondered why this one spot would be carved by nature in curves while the areas surrounding it are more rectilinear? Interesting.

Sorry to send again on this one, but after the last message, I looked again at the lady next to the giant. The form I originally saw as perhaps a pitcher, now looks more like the head of a child standing next to her. I believe that Egyptian art often showed smaller figures less in rank, next to huge figures of greater rank, so if you see her and the ?boy? perhaps what I am seeing is the wife and son of the sleeping giant? Who knows, but look anyway. ;)

______________________ (end of posting by kbroscoe)

Here is my answer to kbroscoe:

It is possible that much of the entire wall is carved and there are possibly numerous figures on it. But I think that getting any agreement on their identification will be a tough job.

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