Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Exploring Ancient Skies - LexiLine Journal 343

Here is a what may be a good standard mainstream astronomy book - at "astronomical" price. The book is:

Exploring Ancient Skies : An Encyclopedic Survey of Archaeoastronomy
by A.F. Aveni (Foreword), David H. Kelley, Eugene F. Milone
see http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0387953108/

It costs $298 dollars ! incredible ...

In terms of the contribution of that book to man's understanding of ancient astronomy and comparing that price with my price for Stars Stones and Scholars ($35.99), I should say that my price for each volume of Stars, Stones and Scholars should be multiplied by at least a thousand in order to set the ultimate value of the two books on a legitimate justifiable monetary par.

On the other hand, we are either in this for the money, or for the knowledge.... Perhaps those of us belonging to the latter category still have a lot to learn about the world of high finance....

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