Friday, September 27, 2002

LexiLine Journal #27-N - 2002 : Mannan Stone Clackmannanshire Milky Way Perseus



[For a brief period after Newsletter 27 in the year 2002, we posted to LexiLine without giving a specific Newsletter number, and then resumed normal numbered postings with Newsletter 28. Hence the interceding postings (with related topics sometimes combined in one posting) are here named 27-A, 27-B, 27-C, etc.]

I have uploaded the new files
mannan.gif and
mannan.tif to our Ancient Britain files.

As previously indicated, the megaliths also marked the ancient regions of Scotland, many of which have been retained down to this day. One of these is Clackmannanshire, marked by the Mannan Stone, i.e. "Man Stone", which the clueless mainstrem archaeologists have provisionally identified with an alleged "sea god" named Mannau.

Let me say here clearly, that if your average archaeologist is not in a position to identify this giant megalith as an active phallic male object - and apparently he is not - then it is small wonder that that this academic field is such a desolate wasteland.

You be the judge - take a look at my drawings of the Mannan Stone and look at the pictures online.

In the astronomical and geodetic system of Scotland, the Mannan Stone represents the phallic protrusion of the Milky Way to the right side of the bottom of Perseus. Obviously, the ancients viewed the Pleiades near the head of this protrusion to be the semen of the universe.

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