Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Terrestrial Planisphere of Oesterholz Germany - LexiLine Journal 421

The German magazine SYNESIS (see Efodon) in its just published issue (Nr. 76, Volume 13, Issue 4, August/September 2006), contains the German-language printed version of my article,
"Der Bodenhimmel der Oesterholzer Mark um die Spitze der 'Externstein-Pyramide'",
[The Terrestrial Planisphere of Oesterholz at the 'Pyramid of the Extern Stones']
(the original, higher resolution .pdf is found here and the limited Power Point Presentation here)

which was initially presented this year as a paper at the 40th conference of the
Walther Machalett Association for Prehistory and Early History
(Arbeits- und Forschungskreis Walther Machalett für Vor- und Frühgeschichte e.V.)
[since then reconstituted and renamed as Der Forschungskreis Externsteine e. V.]
held May 24-28, 2006 in Horn/Bad Meinberg, Germany.

The German-language version of the article is also available from the
[Der Forschungskreis Externsteine e. V.] as
"Das Heinecke System Frühgeschichtliche Externsteiner Visurlinien"
(Schriftliche Fassung der Referate, gehalten auf der 40. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises
Walther Machalett am 27 Mai 2006 in Horn/Externsteine")
which contains articles relating to German archaeoastronomy
by Günter Heinecke, Gert Meier, Max Seurig and Andis Kaulins as follows
(content text taken from the CD-ROM):
1. Das Heinecke-System: Frühgeschichtliche Externsteiner Visurlinien auf Sonne und Mond
I. Teil: : Die Darstellung des Systems II. Teil: Die Deutung des Systems
2. Der Drachenkopf auf dem Wormsberg zu Berlebeck (Heinecke)
3. Der Bodenhimmel der Oesterholzer Mark um die Spitze der Externsteinpyramide
4. Die untere Grotte von Felsen 1 der Externsteine: Der Nabel der Welt? (Seurig)"
This CD-ROM as well as the preceding CD-ROM from the 39th Machalett Conference,
"Frühgeschichtliche Astronomie in Norddeutschland", can each be ordered through
[Der Forschungskreis Externsteine e. V.]
at the following address:
Forschungskreis Externsteine e. V.
Postfach 1155
32792 Horn – Bad Meinberg
I will try to publish this article in an English translation in the near future, but this will be a while yet.

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