In that folder I am placing these files [here seen in the .png graphic below]
megalithsoftheholyland.gif and megalithsoftheholyland.png

I am also uploading to that file another file already found in our LexiLine Jordan file
tallalumayri.png which shows the Megaliths of Tall al-Umayri, Madaba Plains, also
deciphered as astronomy by me previously.
These files intersect and complement one another as Tall al-Umayri, Madaba is a planisphere centered at Andromeda. In the megalithic survey of the Holy Land ca. 3000 BC, Madaba is a
star of Andromeda. It is a perfect match.
My book Stars Stones and Scholars does not have a decipherment of the megaliths of the Holy Land because I had previously not deciphered them due to insufficient materials.
Due to an amazing stroke of good fortune, I recently acquired a book by Dieter Braasch entitled "Pharaonen und Sumerer - Megalithiker aus dem Norden" which contains a map of megalithic sites in the Holy Land (p. 171) based on an original map published by Peter Thomsen (1875-
1954) in a book entitled "Kompendium der palästinensichen Altertumskunde" and published in 1913 (Verlag von J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen 1913. (VIII, 109 pp.) 23x16 cm. Wrappers, frontspiece, 42 text figures, German text.) AbeBooks at
has numerous copies available at varying prices.
According to my decipherment, which leaves no doubt whatsoever, The MEGALITHIC sites of the Holy Land (Fertile Crescent, today's Israel, Palestine, parts of Jordan) are an astronomical sky map (Planisphere) of the Heavens ca. 3000 BC, an astronomical geodetic survey which is
recorded at TALL AL UMAYRI on the Madaba Plains in Jordan south of Amman and east of Jerusalem with Madaba marking principally Andromeda as confirmed by this new megalithic map based on Thomsen (1914) and Braasch (1997) and as deciphered by yours truly, Andis Kaulins, in 2005.
Based on a Vernal Equinox point ca. 3000 BC just West of Beersheba, the megalithic sites on Thomsen's map extend from Beersheba in the South to Sidon in the North.
ALL of the megalithic sites of the Holy Land on Thomsen's map represent stars of the heavens. These sites are found organized into clusters of stars which represent classical stellar constellations of the sky, some as we see them today, some somewhat different, but all clearly recognizable. It would be possible to err on one or two such constellations, but not on this many. The overlap of the Holy Land Megaliths with this star map by pure chance is zero. There is no doubt that this was an ancient survey of the region by the megalith makers.
In the south are marked Aries, Triangulum, Andromeda, Perseus and Auriga. Today's Jerusalem would be located at the top of Perseus as the star gamma, west of Madaba (southwest of Amman, Jordan), which marks the star beta in Andromeda.
Perseus and Auriga are to the West of the Dead Sea, whereas Aries, Triangulum and Andromeda are to the right of the Dead Sea.
The River Jordan to the North thus marks Al Risha, the legendary cord of the fish in astronomy. I had suspected this earlier when I wrote about Madaba:
"In the astronomical survey of the fertile crescent, we thus find - provisionally - that Jordan apparently marked Andromeda, as evidenced by the large prominent stone in the temple which has the stars of Andromeda cupmarked on it. JORDAn is a name said to derive from Hebrew YARAD meaning "descend" or "flow down" and thus originally applied to the River Jordan. We find the ancient Arabic name al 'ARD for Andromeda to be possibly related (see Richard Hinckley Allen, Star Names, p. 36). Perhaps this is origin of the astronomical line marked here at Andromeda as al RISHA, the band of the fish, which was called ARIT in Egypt, according to Renouf. All of those terms are similar matching the geography to astronomy in theNorth of the Dead Sea, we find Cassiopeia to the right of Cord of the Fish except for one star to the left. The "5-point-dice" form of Cepheus is also to the right of the River Jordan as is Lacerta, a constellation which the ancients considered important in ancient days.
hermetic tradition."
Above Cepheus we find stars of Draco (apparently intermingled with the bright stars of Ursa Minor?) in a large half circle to mark the North Ecliptic Pole, i.e. the immovable "eye of God" in the heavens.
To the left are the stars of Ursa Major (not complete - are some megalithic sites missing?). To the right of and above Draco, as well as to the right of the Sea of Galilee, we find megalithic sites
marking Cygnus and Lyra.
The big surprise is found further north where all the bright stars of Hercules are used to mark the northern region of the Holy Land.
To the left we find Tyros (Tyre) marking Arc-Turus and Sidon (Latvian Ziedon-is, blossom) marking Spica.
We do not know if any megalithic sites exist North or South of these marked Megaliths.
In spite of the constant strife over this region in modern times, in 3000 BC the Holy Land belonged to the megalith-makers.
UPDATE: A small corrrection has been made to this decipherment.
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