Thursday, February 20, 2003

LexiLine Journal #156 - 2003 : Sahara Africa Rock Drawings as Astronomy



ue to new knowledge acquired in the course of decipherment of the
megaliths of Africa...

I have
in our Ancient Africa directory at
in the Sahara Africa subdirectory

replaced the old sahara.gif
with a new sahara.gif file
showing that also these rock drawings to date to ca. 3117 BC.

I had previously dated them to 6700 BC, which was in error.

Thursday, February 13, 2003

LexiLine Journal #155 - 2003 : Ancient Survey Europe Africa Tanum Tangier (Gibraltar) Tunis Knossos Crete Gambia Aksum Ethiopia La Spezia Italy



Enrico Calzolari, the discoverer of the Mark of Cassiopeia in Italy,
[ see ]
has joined our list and in his honor I am uploading the file


to our LexiLine files at
in the subdirectory on Scandinavia.

Enrico has further discovered that the area around La Spezia, Italy
has many megalithic sites, some of which I have previously
deciphered and have already posted to our list files on Italy.

Why are there so many megalithic sites around La Spezia? and why do
several of them - in my decipherment - appear to be maps of various
parts of the earth, including Europe? There had to be a special
reason in ancient days, and I believe I have found it.

Not only did La Spezia mark Cassiopeia in the geodetic survey of
Ancient Italy, but according to my analysis and the uploaded file
tanumtop.gif, it also represented the central triangulation point
for the ancient survey of Europe. This triangulation involves the
primary megalithic sites of Tanumsheide (Tanum, Fossum) in Sweden,
plus the point at which Africa and Europe meet at Gibraltar (these
are megaliths at Tangier), plus Knossos on Crete. La Spezia is the
center of this triangulational pyramid, and I think similar geodetic
and astronomical triangulational considerations led to the pyramids
of later Egypt.

Not only does this triangulation measure ancient Europe, but each of
the sides of this triangle are 2800 kilometers long. In addition,
these lines were also extended down into Africa another 2800
kilometers, which is why we find megaliths in Gambia (most megaliths
now found there are later imitations of the few originals, which
still appear to be there, based on my analysis of photos from
Gambia). This is also why we find megaliths ca. 5600 kilometers (2
x 2800) across the whole of Africa at Aksum, Ethiopia.

A giant obelisk used to stand at Aksum, but this was transported by
Mussolini to Rome in 1937 and now stands in front of the United
Nations FAO headquarters (Food and Agriculture Organization).

The locations of Aksum and Gambia were the ancient cornerstones in
Africa for this gigantic land survey. La Spezia, Italy and Tunis
(Dougga) marked the centers of the two main triangles of this survey.

Of course, the obelisk of Aksum dates to a more recent period (some
say the obelisk stood in Ethiopia from the 4th century). Clearly,
the obelisk was surely put up at the site where the original ancient
survey cornerstone was marked, and where the nearby Neolithic
megaliths still present at Aksum surely represent the older versions
of this cornerstone measurement. [This indicates also that the
obelisks of ancient Egypt stood at primary geodetic marking points.]

Very important as a matter of the proof of this theory, is that the
ancients in their survey intentionally used a distance which covered
45 degrees of latitude from ca. 59 degrees North latitude
(Tanumsheide, Sweden) to ca. 14 degrees N. latitude, giving them one-
quarter of the length of the Earth's sphere vertically and
permitting them to calculate the distance between the poles fairly

Similarly, their choice of longitude from Tangier 5.45 W to Knossos
at 25.10 E (or possibly also Cato Zagros at the end of Crete at
somewhat more than 26 degrees E) would have represented their
measured distance of a total of 30 degrees (a minus 5 plus a plus
25) (or 1/12th of the circumference of the sphere of the Earth at
that latitude).

The outer 2800 kilometer long survey lines were then extended
southward into North Africa to twice that distance of 2800
kilometers, i.e. to 5600 kilometers from Tanum to ca. 14 degrees
North latitude.

There Gambia then marks ca. 16.39 West longitude (Banjul) and Aksum
in Ethiopia marks ca. 14 degrees North latitude and 38.43 degrees
East longitude, giving a distance of only about 55 to 56 degrees
longitude rather than the expected 60 degrees, perhaps due to the
increasing girth of circumference and the bulge of the Earth toward
the equator – it is not a perfect sphere.

In any case, these measurements would have allowed the ancients to
draw many far-reaching conclusions about the actual size and shape
of the earth. It would also have permitted them to calculate the
length of a degree of latitude and longitude for the various
geodetic locations selected by them and thus also for the whole
earth by extrapolation. Such calculations were of course later
improved at megalithic sites such as Stonehenge and later measured
in detail at the Cheops Pyramid. See Peter Tompkins, Secrets of the
Great Pyramid
, Galahad Books, N.Y. 1997.

Monday, February 10, 2003

LexiLine Journal #154 - 2003 : Malta Hypogeum Deciphered as Non-Visible stars Below Carina to the South Pole(s) and Phoenix



The underground Hypogeum is the real sensation of the decipherment
because it explains to us simply why the ancients put this temple
below the earth's surface.

I have added the file


to our files on Malta at

showing that the Hypogeum on Malta represents the stars below Carina
(which is the entrance trilithon at the top marked by Carina as a
bird's head) extending to the South Ecliptic Pole, and to the South
Celestial Pole at the bottom of the middle level clear to the stars
of Phoenix at the bottom level (this the Phoenix which rises from
the ashes). Also marked are the stars of Chamaeleon, Volans, Pavo,
Octans, Mensa, LMC (Large Magellanic Cloud), SMC (South Magellanic
Cloud), Canopus, Pictor, Hydrus, Reticulum, Dorado, Horologium,
Tucanae, and Achernar in Eridanus.

The sleeping lady in the Serpent's Den just off of Hydrus represents
the curved row of stars in Hydrus where the head of Horologium as a
serpent meets this den.

The so-called "holy of holies", the underground room with the
fabulous round almost modern ceiling similar to the Vatican dome,
marks the South Celestial Pole - explaining the significance of this
room immediately. It is probably the origin (in concept) of our domed ceilings in
churches, i.e. the curvature of the firmament.

The two faces to the sides of middle path of the middle level are
the two heads which can be seen in the Large Magellanic Cloud as
this has already been demonstrated by me in earthworks in Cornwall,

Essentially, the Hypogeum shows us the normally non-visible stars in
the southern skies. Hence, this was the underworld or netherworld
which was then represented by a representational netherworld carved
in stone below the surface of the Earth down to a depth of 30
meters - carved out of solid rock. INCREDIBLE!

The Hypogeum thus becomes immediately understandable, whereas
generations of thousands of scholars have tried unsuccessfully to
assess its importance to ancient man. It is now quite clear.

Based on the positions of the South Ecliptic Pole and South
Celestial Pole, this dates the Hypogeum to approximately 3117 BC.

The middle level of the Hypogeum taken as a whole shows the shape of
a bird of paradise whose beak is around Canopus.

The lowest level taken as a whole makes the shape of a turtle, and
this is the mythical turtle upon whose back the world rests.

LexiLine Journal #153 - 2003 : Malta Hagar'Qim Deciphered as Volans



I have added the file

to our files on Malta at

showing that the Temple of Hagar'Qim on Malta represents stars of

The four downward pointing "fingers" of this megalithic site are the
stars eta, zeta, gamma and delta Volantis (in Volans). The back
rooms are Epsilon Volantis (with the back of that room marked by HIP
406080) and Beta Volantis.

Alpha Volantis seems not be included here but is marked at the back
to the left by its own separate stone with HIP 41321 and HIP 40926
marking the face to the back right. In addition, the bright stars
HIP 38210 and HIP 37773 are marked to the right.

Hagar'Qim is clear and straightforward, just as the stars which mark

LexiLine Journal #152 - 2003 : Malta Bugibba Deciphered as Stars Above Omicron 1 & 2 in Centaurus



I have added the file

to our files on Malta at

showing that the Temple of Bugibba on Malta represents stars around
and above omicron 1& omicron 2 in Centaurus.

The match is really quite perfect showing the cloverleaf shape of
Bugibba marks the stars above Skorba as HIP 54751, HIP 54463, HIP
54294, Pi-Centauri and in the middle omicron 1&2 Centauri, which
appear to make the eyes of an elk-type of figure.

Above that is the head and body of a large human figure

with a shorter figure to the left above HIP 57439.

The large figure is the key to the identification of this megalithic
site, unmistakeably being shown by the stars in this region of the
sky. About Bugibba there is thus no doubt as to identification, even
if these stars mark stars we today do not regard as a modern

LexiLine Journal #151 - 2003 : Malta Mnajdra Deciphered as Chamaeleon



I have added the file
to our files on Malta at

showing that Temple of Mnajdra to represent Chamaeleon (but it could
include the lesser known stars above it so that the picture would
have to be extended upward). I have stuck with Chamaeleon as we
moderns know it for now, but I may get back to this one to see if
can be improved upon.

Hence, my solution here should be regarded as provisional. I have no
doubt about the rest of the Maltese sites - just this one is questionable.

Sunday, February 09, 2003

LexiLine Journal #150 - 2003 : Malta Borg-in-Nadur Deciphered as Puppis



I have added the file

to our files on Malta at

showing that the Temple of Borg-in-Nadur on Malta represents stars
of Puppis.

When I first saw the ground plan of this site I thought that the
remains appeared to be so sparse that no decipherment would be
possible. But, quite the contrary, this was one of the easiest sites
to decipher because of its near lack of inner rooms. This
corresponds perfectly to Puppis which has a fairly faint edge of
stars to mark its boundaries and is pretty empty in the middle.

Close inspection of the stones shows that the front rooms of Borg-in-
Nadur mark the nose of Puppis as the star Zeta and HIP 37819. Zeta
Puppis is in fact called the star "Naos", and it was the Nose. Pi
Puppis marks the ear (?) of the figure. The neck is marked by L2-
Puppis, Tau-Puppis and Nu-Puppis.

The back of Puppis here does not go up toward Pi-Puppis as in the
modern Puppis, but actually forms a round back-of-the-head by using
the back stars of Canis Major, as one can see kappa, epsilon, sigma,
delta and omicron. Toward the side of the head we then find Eta-
Canis Major and HIP 37229 with Xi and Rho-Puppis at the top. These
are all beautifully marked at Borg-in-Nadur. Even the two notches in
the Milky Way at this location are shown by stones at the top left
of the head and somewhat beyond that a part of the circle of stars
at HIP 40321.

The match is simply very good.

LexiLine Journal #149 - 2003 : Malta Skorba Deciphered as Stars just above and to the right of Musca



I have added the file

to our files on Malta at

showing that the Temple of Skorba on Malta represents stars above

Not all of the representations of stars at Malta find comparables in
our modern constellations. Skorba, which is just to the right and
above Ta'Hagrat on Earth also represents the stars above Musca just
to the right and above of Musca (which Ta'Hagrat represents).

I personally think that SKORBA is the same as Indo-European e.g.
Latvian SKUDRA "ant" and that this temple shows an ant carrying a
load over its head. A SCORPion here is also possible from the name
SKORBA rather than an ant, but does the figure show that?

Be this as it may, the stars are clear, with the head of the ant (or
other insect) as lambda Centauri, the eyes as HIP 55779 and HIP
54461 with the nose at HIP 54301 and the mouth at HIP 55597 and HIP
54767. The load is marked by the arc of stars at HIP 57175, HIP
56986, HIP 56754 and HIP 56612. The body of the ant is formed by the
stars HIP 57669, HIP 58427, theta1-Crucis, theta2-Crucis and eta-
Crucis with a tail (?) at HIP 59991 and HIP 59111. Note again that
the Galactic Equator is taken as a clear dividing line for the

LexiLine Journal #148 - 2003 : Malta Ta'Hagrat Deciphered as Musca



To our files on Malta at

I have added the file


showing that the Temple of Ta'Hagrat on Malta represents the stars
of Musca.

The match of stars is really quite perfect though I am not sure
whether the figure represented by the entire site is a small chicken
(chick) or a fly, since Indo-European e.g. Latvian MUSHA is "fly".
The wings are clearly marked but the figure also has feet formed of
delta and gamma Muscae. Interesting is the head which at zeta2 is
shown as a heart-shape which the stars at that location form. BO
Muscae (sometimes called R Muscae) is clearly marked as a small head.

LexiLine Journal #147 - 2003 : Megalithic Decipherment Map of Italy including Malta Gozo Sardinia Corsica Updated



To our files at

I have added the updated decipherment map of ancient megalithic Italy which includes
also ancient megalithic Malta, Gozo, Sardinia, and Corsica.

LexiLine Journal #146 - 2003 : Malta Tarxien Deciphered as Carina (Argo Navis)



To our Malta folder at our LexiLine files at

I have added


Tarxien on Malta represents the constellation Carina, in the stars
beta, omega, theta, p and q, upsilon, iota and epsilon
plus the stars kappa and delta Velorum (in the constellation Vela).

[Vela (represented geodetically by Sicily) is the sail of the Argo
and Carina is the Boat. Vela as the sail is found in Indo-European
as in Latvian vela (palatal L) meaning "cloth ,clothing, cloth to
wash", indicating that the principle of the sail may have derived
from hanging wet clothes out to dry.]

The reason that these two lower stars of Vela are also used at
Tarxien is that they are on the Carina side of the break in the
Milky Way and thus should not - as we do today - be assigned to the
sail a such.

That Tarxien has to do with Argo Navis is supported by the name of
the nearby Hal Saflieni Hypogeum for the term
HAL SAFLIENI is surely a corrupted version of
AL SAFIENI which is an Arabic term for ARGO NAVIS.

The entire figure formed by Tarxien has the shape of an owl or a
bird of some sort and contains many other figures formed by stone
shapes inside the temple, including a man (omega), a woman (theta),
a child (upsilon) and various animals, e.g. the turtle at iota.

Not only does omega have the figure of a man in it, but this man is
waving a "hi" to us, out of the stone age! The man's eyes are formed
by the stars HIP 49764 and 4982, while the arm and hand are formed
of the stars HIP 48782, 48641, 47892 and 48523.

The quadrant of stars in front of the nose of Carina at beta-Carinae
is clearly formed by the separate small square megalithic form found
there. These are the stars HIP 45581 (plus 45585), HIP 46741, HIP
46358 (plus HIP 46407) and HIP 44599.

At the very top of the figure a sled (?) is formed by stones using
the stars HIP 50976, HIP 51495 and HIP 51438, whereas a bird is
formed using the stars HIP 54327, HIP 53272 and HIP 52520.

Phi Velorum looks like a seahorse (?).

These details make the identification of Tarxien with Carina beyond
any doubt.

LexiLine Journal #145 - 2003 : Malta Gozo Ggantija Deciphered as Crux : Principles of Decipherment



To our Malta folder at our LexiLine files at

I have added





The temple of Ggantija on Gozo, the Maltese island northwest of
Malta represents Crux, the Southern Cross, with the addition of two
stars of Centaurus.

Ggantija is located at Xaghra on Gozo.
The name XAGHRA allegedly means "scrubland", which is similar to
Indo-European e.g. Latvian ZHAGARI "branches, brushwood" but
homophonic (same-sounding) with Latvian ZHOUGRA- "of the enclosure",
for Crux is located at a unique enclosed "hole" in the Milky Way.

The former name of Xaghra according to the Malta Specialists - see - was the Italian CACCIA allegedly
meaning "hunt, chase" which seems very close to the Italian CROCE,
old name for the Southern Cross.


The principles of decipherment applied in the decipherment of
Ggantija apply to ALL of the temples of Malta.

Principle 1: The reason that the temples of Malta have such strange
shapes is because they were built to reflect the shape and location
of the stellar constellations and stars depicted. At Ggantija we see
that the ancients added two stars of Centaurus to their picture of
the Southern Cross. I think they did that because this entire group
of stars may have been used as a major starting point to triangulate
the heavens, as one can see at my hypothetical triangulation
cruxcalc.gif. Similar triangulation was surely made using the Great
Square in the North. As Richard Hinckley Allen writes in Star Names:
Their Lore and Meaning, p. 325 "[Markab, alpha-Pegasi]
culminates...and when on the meridian forms, with gamma, the
southern side of the Great Square, beta and delta forming the
northern, and all 15 degrees to 18 degrees apart."

Principle 2: Much as we still have "houses" of the heavens in our
modern Zodiac, the ancients built "rooms" in their hermetic ["as on
earth, so in heaven"] system. Each large room of each temple
represents one bright star in the heavens for a specific location.
The good-luck four-leaf clover of Ggantija represents the stars
alpha, beta, gamma and delta in Crux. [The connection to this old
Irish good luck charm may not be chance, by the way, since Centaurus
above Crux is known as St. Patrick's Chair in the Irish megaliths.
The Latvian Dainas also speak about the fields of clover in the

Principle 3:
Not seen at Ggantija but found at temple sites on the
island of Malta are several cases where the rooms are divided and
represent two or more stars. Smaller rooms tend to be stars which
are not as bright.

Principle 4: The temples are all oriented from the viewers horizon
looking North and are "true" to the heavens in the decipherment. One
does not have to turn a megalithic site to get the desired
deciphered constellation. They are on the horizon in the autumn
exactly as picture on earth on Gozo and Malta.

Starry Night Pro (see was used to determine the
position of the stars. Stellar positions appear to reflect a sky of
ca. 3117 BC according to my use and interpretation of Starry Night
Pro and the Heifetz Precessional Planisphere (see

At this time, the stars represented at Gozo and Malta are below the
Summer Solstice point and show the "lowest" point of the Celestial
Equator in its 25920 year precessional journey - the lowest point
for those particular stars of course. To either side of ca. 3117 BC
forward or backward in years BC, the Maltese constellations, Carina
for example, dip further and further below the horizon [because the
Celestial Equator rises at that point]. Hence, the position of Carina
(marked by Tarxien) - just on the horizon - dates
the Maltese sites without any astronomical doubt to ca. 3117 BC.

Principle 5: Not only do the large rooms of the Maltese temples mark
the bright "landmark" stars of the constellations. Other megalithic
details within (or also without) the megalithic sites represent
stars of lesser brightness or magnitude. [Note - a star of magnitude
1 is very bright whereas a star of magnitude 6 is much less bright.
Most constellations are marked by major stars having at least a
magnitude of about 4]. Figures are often also made with groups of
stones. I have surely spotted only a small fraction of these.

We see an example of this principle of detailing the heavens at
Ggantija. Since Alpha-Crucis (the star Alpha in Crux) is located
almost right on the Galactic Equator (the middle of the Milky Way
lengthwise) - the ancients creatively put up a nice wall of false
doors at that comparable location on the inside of the Alpha-Room at
Ggantija, there showing the smaller stars of Crux just in front of
Alpha-Crucis. These are the stars eta, zeta, HIP 60771, HIP 61158,
HIP 62027, and HIP 62652. [HIP is the star catalogue abbreviation
for HIPparcos, i.e. Hipparchus]. These stars then form the doors -
of comparable width ! - found at that inner megalithic wall, as
shown in my graphic on Ggantija.

The distance from one star to the next marks the width of the
megalithic door. In even greater detail we find that the stars
between eta and zeta Crucis form the shape of a woman and this shape
of the woman is then even sculpted into the wall behind the first
door on the left. Similarly, the star stones which I have marked 1,
2 and 3 in the second door from the left may show the three small
stars found between zeta-Crucis and HIP 60771, though this is less
clear than the woman's figure at the back of the first door left.

Above this wall of doors the rest of the wall shows stars across the
way from alpha-Crucis and Crux, marking e.g. the stars of Musca to
the left. This part of the wall is difficult to read due to

In any case, the ancients have given us many, many opportunities to
check our stellar identifications and you can be sure I have found
only a few of many that are still waiting to be discovered at the
geodetic astronomical temples of Malta and Gozo.

LexiLine Journal #144 - 2003 : Malta Gozo Map of Megalithic Decipherments of the Temples



I have added a new "Malta" directory to our LexiLine files.

To that directory at

I have added the file


which is an overview map of the Malta temple sites and the
corresponding stellar constellations attributable to them through my

Detailed decipherments of the individual temple sites will now

LexiLine Journal #143 - 2003 : Malta Megalithic Temples Deciphered



Subsequent to this posting in the course of the day I will be
uploading my decipherment of ALL of the temples of Malta and Gozo.

In many ways, these decipherments are among the most spectacular and
gratifying of all of my decipherment work.

When I was in Malta in the year 1988, I made a deal one day with one
of the local taxi drivers who had driven me into town the previous
day, to drive me around the entire island all day to some of the
megalithic sites which I had selected. At that time I had no idea
what these megalithic sites represented.

I had by chance picked a beautiful day when all the rest of the
island - including my wife and daughter - were on the beaches or at
home, for the temperature was nearly 40 degrees centigrade (over 100
degrees Fährenheit). This situation turned out to be a sightseers
("siteseers") and photographers blessing, for some of the megalithic
sites were all but deserted - it was just too hot among the stones,
where solar reflection made the sites as hot as what the taxi
driver's thermometer showed inside the car (about 50 degrees Celsius). This
is one area where I DO have great respect for mainstream
archaeologists - one is not always basking in air-conditioned
coolness, by any means.

It has now been nearly 15 years since that visit, and I have finally
come up with the solution for the megalithic sites of Malta.
Persistence pays.

The decipherment is spectacular because it deciphers so many sites
in such a small area - one tiny island in the Mediterranean. It is
also spectacular because some archaeologists have claimed that these
megalithic sites are the oldest in the world and we shall see if
this is true. Lastly, the megalithic sites of Malta are famed around
the world and occupy a place of primary importance in our study of
the history of civilization.

The decipherment is gratifying because it confirms all of my other
work, for the megalithic temples of Malta represent stars and
constellations of the heavens and these particular constellations
fit into the systems which I have previously identified for the time
period ca. 3117 BC.

In this system, Malta was included in ancient days in the geodetic
survey of Italy by astronomy, a system in which Corsica represented
the North Ecliptic Pole, Sardinia the North Celestial Pole, Liguria
and La Spezia represented Cassiopeia, Sicily was Vela, and logically
then Gozo (Ggantija) represented Crux and Malta was Carina (plus, as
we shall see, several other constellations are marked here as well).
These are all clearly marked at the megalithic sites - in part, in
great detail.

Let me say that without knowledge of this systematic astronomy of
the past, the decipherment of Gozo and Malta would be next to
impossible. And for the decipherment of Italy, I thank greatly
Enrico Calzolari, who was the first to find the "Mark of Cassiopeia"
near La Spezia (you can find this through Google in the internet). I
do not think I would have deciphered the rest of Italy or the
temples of Malta without this initial identification by Enrico.

The uploads will be made in the course of the day. At the moment I
am going to the movies and I will go back to work when I return.

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

LexiLine Journal #142 - 2003 : Loughcrew Ireland Stone 19 Cairn L Carnbane West Megalithic Decipherment



To the file

I have added loughcrew19L.gif

This is the Decipherment of Stone 19 at Loughcrew Cairn L Carnbane West

Paul Griffin claimed to have deciphered Stone 19 at Loughcrew Cairn
L Carnbane West in Ireland as the world's oldest solar eclipse
recorded in stone. Although it is a heroic effort and although Paul
is to be applauded for seeing that the marks on stones are
astronomical and represent stars - he should definitely continue in
this path - his interpretation in this case is in error.

In fact, Stone 19 at Cairn L in Loughcrew represents the stars of
Serpens Caput, Ophiuchus, and Serpens Cauda, as I show at the
uploaded file loughcrew19L.gif

We see from my decipherment clearly how the shape of this stone
developed as a head marking the large hole in the Milky Way at this

The two sworls on Stone 19 at Loughcrew Cairn L do not, as Paul
claims, represent the Sun and the Moon in an eclipse dated to
November 30, 3340 BC, although the stars in this region are "close",
but not exactly on point.

Note also that Paul's diagram of Cairn L shows it clearly to be the
head and neck of a man with stone 19 at the eye (round blue) of the
figure. Even the mouth of the figure is clearly marked by a
horizontal stone extending into the cairn.

Why do we as adults no longer see the stick figures we used to make
and delight in as children?

Note also that the top of the figure points toward Sagittarius and
the center of the Milky Way.

The major error made by Paul is forgivable since he has followed a
long-standing error made by the mainstream archaeologists. Academics
have long paid the greatest of attention to sworls (whorls) on the
stones, ignoring the cupmarks. But the sworls in fact - perhaps
fittingly - generally represent "nothing". The sworls on stones
represent empty vortexes of space - force fields if you will - with
few or no stars - I first discovered this on the Stone of
Drumtroddan (Orion's Drum tread-on) in Scotland, which represents

Sunday, February 02, 2003

LexiLine Journal #141 - 2003 : More Knowth Ireland Decipherments [Plus Update on the Academic World and Mainstream Inertia]



To our files
on Ancient Ireland at

I have added two new Knowth decipherments

deciphering the Knowth Kerbstone 15



showing how the interior walls of Knowth in Ireland
mark the stars on the line of the Equinoxes.


Subj: Re: [LexiLine] 141 LexiLine Newsletter 2003 More Knowth
Date: 2/2/2003 4:42:36 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: "Malcolm Dean"


Sent from the Internet (Details)

Mr. Kaulins, your work is extremely impressive. Is anyone
undertaking some kind of analysis of these interpretations in order
to show that the alignments you propose are not accidental? I
realize this must be obvious to you, but some such analysis would
help reduce skeptical criticism.

Malcolm Dean, Graduate Student
(M.A. Mass Comm. Research
University of Leicester, U.K.)
1015 Gayley Av #1229
Los Angeles CA 90024-3424
323-876-8559 home office


Dear Malcolm,

Thank you, but we still stand at the beginning of this pioneer
research. History has been in the making for millennia, so no one is
too quick to change anything. It is a long, tedious process getting
the archaeologists, historians of astronomy and other related
academics (Egyptology, Assyriology, etc.) out of the terrible ruts
they are in, and most of them have their own personal agenda, their
presumed fields of expertise, and they are understandably interested
primarily in their own work - for which they are paid, so they stick
to what they know or think they know. I blame no one by the way. I
teach at a university myself to 200 students a semester, and I am
paid to teach mainstream doctrine for the courses that I offer, so
that is what you do - that is your contract. You are not paid to
bite the hand that feeds you. This is normality.

Once you start to rock the boat, the number of allies diminishes
rapidly - in any field. That is why much of science is so one-sided.
People are generally subservient to the reigning authorities in
their fields, unfortunately, and to the institutions writing their
paychecks. This is the case in all disciplines.

So, ultimate progress depends on pioneers such as myself and new
generations who see a niche to be filled, who see new approaches
which they might consider to be interesting and which they think may
prove to be a wise career direction for their future. Perhaps you
will be one of the people to ultimately add to this field. If one
waits "for the other guys to do it", the experience of life shows
that the other guys often do not do it. Anyone who has ever started
a successful start-up business will tell you this - they saw a
niche, and filled it, and were suprised no one else had done it.

As George Bernard Shaw once wrote: "The reasonable man adapts to
society, the unreasonable one tries to change it - hence, all
progress depends on the unreasonable man."

Who is checking my theories? I do not know. It is a nearly thankless
and professionally quite dangerous task for any established
professional who would do it. If I am right, as I am sure I am, it
makes your average archaeologist and historian of astronomy look
like a rather incompetent idiot, and no one wants to admit to that

Publication in professional journals is also not an alternative to
publicize these research results. Articles submitted to so-called
peer review journals (what I call "crony blurbs") do not get
published if you allege that what the reviewing peers are themselves
writing and doing professionally is nonsense. There is an old saying
that new ideas do not win out because they are accepted by the
establishment, but because the old establishment dies out. There is
a lot of truth to this.

I am nearly finished with a book on this subject which I hope to
publish this year. That is one prerequisite to getting things taken
more seriously. Almost everyone still regards internet publication
as "fun" and not much more, even though it actually is far superior
in many ways - but the present generation of academics will never
accept the internet as it should be accepted as a viable
academic "alternative". This is because they grew up with another
system. Internet publication as an accepted form of "science" will
only truly begin with the younger generations, i.e. people who grow
up with the internet as an integral part of their lives.

So, to be taken seriously, you still have to have a book and
optimally, try to publish "learned" articles in printed academic
journals (which means to use a lot of jargon and sesquipedalian
sophistries i.e. "big words", and most importantly, to quote
your "peers" extensively - that is the right formula). But it is
difficult to cite peers if they are writing garbage, and I refuse to
write the "jargon jumble" which today often passes for "science".

Or would you prefer titles for megalithic decipherment such as:
"Socioarchaeological and Ethnogenetic Ramifications of
Anthropomorphic Realism in the Prehistoric Art of Mesolithic and
Neolithic Megalithic Populations: Chronological Frames in
Technological Evolution and Monumental Sculpture". All of these
terms are taken out of actual published articles.

I am capable of writing such stuff, but I refuse to do it, and howl
when I see it. It has something of the overdone decadence of Gothic
art which is categorized by overloaded decoration and ornamentation
at the cost of "simplicity and clarity" (Encyclopaedia Britannica).
We see this in the evolution from megalithic to "Celtic" art as
well, where no one - exept for apparently me alone - can decipher
the stones because the basic message as in Gothic art has
been "masked" by "excessive enrichment" and "complication"
(Encyclopaedia Britannica). My decipherment of the stones proceeds
by simplification - I get rid of the decorative but misleading
veneer, ignore the previous masking ornamentations of the scholars
and get to the bottom of things.

Most scholarly articles - and remember that I teach legal writing at
the university level - can be reduced to one abstracted sentence to
be answered by the question "What is the point of this paper?"

I find it all highly amusing - but that's the world.

In any case, as far as as "review" of my work is concerned, if a
high opinion of established academia were justified, I could
say "there are many men and women of critical mind in academia who
are thrilled in their chosen professions to examine new and exciting
ideas which might improve human knowledge, and this is proceeding

Unfortunately, my low opinion of established academia is closer to
reality, so that I have to say "there are very, very few men and
women of critical mind in academia, in fact, in any generation there
are only at best a handful of them, so do not hold your breath".
That is why the encyclopaedias honor the greats - for they are few.
Your average man AND academic - and this is 99 percent - does what
he is told (or thinks he or she is expected to do by the powers that
be) - and is happy doing it, and profits by it. And, frankly, the
world runs on this predicatability.

Nevertheless, I shall continue to rock that boat, and since my
theories are correct, there is no question that one day what I write
will become established doctrine, and will then, of course, be
handled just as uncritically by the followers of this doctrine, as
the doctrine before.

Each of us in this life has our chosen role, for whatever reason,
and so we fulfill it the best we can. That is what make this planet
such an interesting place.

Pioneers such as myself rant and rave at the establishment claiming -
and knowing that we are exaggerating provocatively - that we have
to do with an academic world composed of mental midgets - sometimes
I am even convinced of this. The establishment sits in their warm
offices, with no need of change at all from the status quo, and
says - cleverly - "What do I have from any of this new stuff? You
mean if this man were right, I would have to recant what I myself
have previously done and written in my field in my life? Never."

That is why it is a gargantuan task to change anything in society -
in any field. Isaac Newton called it inertia. And when an
irresistable force meets an immovable object - you have ... friction.
That is why I have an online newsletter - I need not waste my time
with the inevitable kick-boxing which is otherwise sure to occur,
and has in the past. I have learned not to get involved in it. It
brings nothing. I publish my research results on the internet - it
is availabe for all to see, to comment on and for others to do with
what they want. Much of my research is reproducible, indeed
improvable !, but if others do nothing , it is their decision - and
I have in any case my time free to continue with my research.

Who decides whether I am right? - in the end, we ALL do.

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