Thursday, April 25, 2002

LexiLine Journal #9 - 2002 : Clava Deciphered - Ancient "Linear" Astronomy - 8 Seasons



Due to my decipherment of other sites, I have been able to review my previous interpretation of the cairns at Balnuaran of Clava near Inverness of Scotland and decipher these definitively. My initial interpretation of this site was not incorrect but needed amendment, since it became clear that the ancients used stars much nearer to the Pole than I had initially thought.

This decipherment is now found in the Ancient Britain folder as the file


(the previous file of the same name, as well as a recently posted amended version have both been deleted).

Time and time again I am taught the lesson in my decipherments that SIMPLICITY is the key to knowledge and understanding of the Neolithic period of astronomy.

The new uploaded file shows that the ancients in 3117 BC calculated the Pole Star position and the North Ecliptic Pole (the non-moving Center of Heaven around which precession rotates and the´ecliptic "circulates") using the three brightest stars which are in the skies on or near the circle of precession - these brightest stars
are Polaris in Ursa Minor, Deneb in Cygnus and Vega in Lyra. There are no more.

The decipherment shows that the linear distance between Polaris and Deneb and between the Pole Star and Vega in 3117 BC (otherwise not), is THE SAME as the linear distance between
a) the South Pole and alpha in the Southern Triangle
b) alpha in the Southern Triangle and the head stars of Scorpio
(Graffias, Dschubba)
c) Graffias or Dschubba the head of Serpens Caput
d) the head of Serpens Caput and the North Pole Star position at 3117 BC
- at all other times, this distance does not work for the distance
between Serpens Caput and the North Pole Star. This again gives us
another proof for the accuracy of the chronology.

On the Heifetz Planisphere, this linear distance is 2.8 centimeters. In the software program Starry Night Pro, using the normal non-zoomed display, this distance on the screen can be measured as ca. 13 centimeters with the distances between Vega and Deneb and the Pole Star and Polaris in 3117 BC being half that at 6.5 centimeters.

This linear distance was then also used to divide the stars along the ecliptic into their initial "seasonal positions" and was the origin of what we today call the Zodiac of stars - which runs along the ecliptic. Using this linear distance of 13 centimeters and marking divisions on the ECLIPTIC we then get the following 8 segments - perhaps the first formal human division of the ecliptic in this

1) From Antares (viz. Dschubba & Graffias) Scorpio at the AUTUMN EQUINOX to Spica (Virgo)
2) From Spica in Virgo to Zosma (Duhr) and Chort in Leo at the SUMMER SOLSTICE

3) From Zosma and Chort in Leo at the SUMMER SOLSTICE to Castor and Pollux in GEMINI
4) From Castor and Pollux in GEMINI to the VERNAL EQUINOX at Aldebaran in Taurus

5) From Aldebaran at the Vernal Equinox to the "cord of the fish" (this explains how this "cord" originated and where it was originally placed) at beta-Andromeda and eta-Piscum
6) from the Cord of the Fish to the WINTER SOLSTICE at the bucket of Aquarius just to the left of the prow of the ship of Capricorn

7) From the Winter Solstice at Aquarius and Capricorn to the large number of stars of Sagittarius at Nunki (sigma-Sagittarii), Kaus Borealis (lambda-Sagittarii) and Kaus Australis (epsilon-Sagittarii).
8) From sigma-Sagittarii to Scorpio at Graffias viz Dschubba at the AUTUMN EQUINOX.

Thus, the same "linear distance" was used to mark 8 divisions along the ecliptic as was used to measure the sky and earth from south pole to north pole and also to calculate pole stars and ecliptic poles, as at Balnuaran of Clava. These ancient men were ASTRONOMERS of the first rank...

We have evidence of this very old initial division of the heavens in the ancient Latvian 8 seasons and also find the similar practice in ancient Scotland, where a similar division of 8 seasons is found.

Saturday, April 20, 2002

LexiLine Journal #8 - 2002 : Planisphere to Print Out



Planisphere to Print Out

The newly created folder AKskymap in our LexiLine FILES (click the menu left)
will be used for skymaps helping to explain the FILES at
which explain the world megaliths definitively as astronomy.
(I pick the beginning "AK" in akskymap.tif so that this folder appears first in our automatically alphabeticized list of FILES for old or new members or guests).

Uploaded to this file for important orientation is now:


showing the stars of the heavens, celestial equator, ecliptic and equinox line for ca. 3000 BC (at 30 degrees North) for you to print out at home in color. Details further below.

Many LexiLine Newsletters can only be understood if one has a good historical planisphere or software program at hand, which not everyone has right offhand.

The best software program available at an affordable price is Starry
Night Pro, see or also Starry Night Backyard, which costs less, with fewer features. I use this program regularly. I am in no way affiliated with this company.

Less expensive but just as useful is Milton D. Heifetz's Historical Planisphere with Precession of the Equinoxes which I use regularly. The Heifetz Planisphere is available from Learning Technologies, inc., 40 Cameron Avenue, Somerville, MA, 02144 USA, internet at, e-mail at, phone at 800-537-8703, 617-628-1459, and fax 617-628-8606. I am in no way affiliated with this company.

The file
akskymap.tif is a file I have drawn, in color but only as an approximation of the Heifetz Planisphere, and I recommend you do get the original. However, my drawing - the file is 50 kB compressed and nearly 650 kB uncompressed, so give it some time to load and print - gives you the major stars and constellations of the heavens in their positions with respect to the celestial equator, ecliptic and equinoxes in 3000 BC.

The center of heaven (for us in the Northern Hemisphere) - the North Ecliptic Pole - is the small red-circumferenced green circle in the middle of the drawing. The correspondingly colored large green circle around it is the ECLIPTIC - we could also call this the "path of the Sun" (and also of the planets and Moon, thought they do diverge from it a bit in their movement). The ECLIPTIC is fixed and DOES NOT CHANGE.

What has given the ancients over the millennia a great deal of trouble is the CELESTIAL EQUATOR which is marked on akskymap.tif as a large orange circle with a red-circumferenced orange circle in its middle. THIS CIRCLE DOES appear to move its position for an observer on Earth, because the Planet Earth wobbles like a spinning top and its AXIS revolves around the red-dotted-line circle in the drawing ONCE every 25920 years - which astronomers call precession.

As the red-circumferenced orange circle in the middle of the drawing rotates counter-clockwise in 25920 years, it marks what we call the Northern Pole Star, which is currently ca. Polaris - marked as a red-circumferenced yellow circle on the red-dotted-line. In 3000 BC, however, the position of the Northern Pole Star was at the red-circumferenced orange circle in the middle. The pole star is always at the middle of the orange circle marking the celestial equator, so that this orange circle "moves" as the pole star moves. Hence, the points at which the celestial equator and ecliptic intersect - these points mark the Equinoxes - also move, and the solstices also move correspondingly.

I have drawn the Line of the Equinoxes 3000 BC as well as the Line of the Equinoxes 2002 AD on that drawing. Anyone can see how precession affects the seasons. In 3000 BC the Spring Equinox was just to the right of Orion. In our modern age the Spring Equinox is approaching Aquarius (counter-clockwise). This is what the song in the
musical "Hair" some 30 years ago was proclaiming as "the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius". Mankind, however, still has some time to wait before this happens.

Mainstream historians of astronomy today allege that the ancients were not familiar with precession - and this only shows that our modern historians of astronomy know next to nothing about the ancient skywatchers. On the pages of LexiLine we have been and will continue to produce evidence that the ancients have been quite familiar with
this phenomenon for thousands and thousands of years and that the ancient Norse belief that "the sky was falling" is based on this knowledge. Indeed, the need to account for precession (i.e. to correctly predict the seasons and establish a workable calendar) clearly was one major factor which led to the serious study of
astronomy by the ancients and to the megalithic sites which we study today.

The line of the Equinoxes ca. 3000 BC shows why the ancients of that period, for example, as I have already posted to LexiLine, regarded the otherwise insignificant constellation of Serpens Caput to be so important. It was directly on the Equinox Line. Today, we pay little attention to this constellation.

Make sure you also always look at the Milky Way in your astronomical analysis, for the ancients paid far more attention to the Milky Way than we do today in our artificially lighted planet, whose man-made lights and pollution are increasingly blotting out our heavens. The horn of the Milky Way at Cepheus can clearly be seen and only when one actually sees this position can one understand the megaliths of
e.g. Scotland which mark this constellation.

As a special treat, I have also tried in my drawing to make the major stars of the heavens have the color in which they appear, even to the unaided eye, and which the ancients noted carefully, in part using megaliths of a comparable color to mark a given star, as the case of the "Red Goddess" (die Rote Göttin) in Traben-Trarbach (Mont Royal) which is a red-orange colored stone used to mark Dubhe, the only
large red-orange-yellow star in Ursa Major. [Update 2006 - actually, we changed this identification, as this megalith most likely marked the reddish-orange star gamma in Leo - see montroyal1.gif.] Especially the reddish or orange stars were given excessive attention by the skywatchers of old. Perhaps they regarded these stars to be particularly powerful. This surely was so for two of the major "red" stars of the heavens, Antares and Aldebaran, which are more or less directly across from each other near the line of the Equinoxes in ca. 3000 BC.

Once one gets the feel for the heavens in this perspective, the astronomy of the ancients becomes more understandable. I thus recommend you to print this drawing out for further use, but also to get the software and the planisphere listed above. It is OUR world, and we have no other, so we ought to know the basics about this one, both past and present.

Thursday, April 18, 2002

LexiLine Journal #7 - 2002 : Felsenmeer Bergstrasse Odenwald Germany



I have just uploaded the file


to our folder Germany, showing that this fantastic site of thousands of giant stones is not grouped in "natural" heaps as the geologists allege, but are "natural" stones from that large steep semi-mountainous hill which have been rolled, carried or lowered by ropes purposefully down that hill into various heaps of stones by the ancients, thus
creating the pattern of stones which you see in the felsmeer.gif.

The stone groups shown on my drawing by the way are not my inventions or interpretations but merely my re-drawing of a photo of the plan of the Felsberg ("stone hill viz. mountain") and the Felsenmeer ("sea of stones") which stands as a large billboard for all to see above the stones at the top of the hill (semi-mountain). It was created by the "Verein Naturpark Bergstrasse - Odenwald", whom I wish to thank profusely for this gargantuan task. I will be posting a photo of this
billboard sign.

But this is not all. I have also re-drawn the pathways on this steep mountain hill (as shown on the billboard sign) which apparently follow the old tracks through the stones. The hill is so steep that there are not that many alternative tracks, so any track through these stones now is as good as that 6000 years ago, and if you look
at the felsmeer.tif, you may see some of the tell-tale figures marked by these pathways. I will be uploading another .tif in coming days showing those human and animal figures. In ca. 3800 BC, for example, the Summer Solstice is at Gemini. Can you find the figures of the largely drawn twins in the pathways?

Furthermore, I have taken photographs of some of the largest gargantuan stones at the top of the hill which of course were not all rolled into place, since some of them are as big as small houses and are not even counted to the stone heaps, but from my photos the analysis of the Felsenmeer will be confirmed, for these Herculean-
size stones, not just those in the large heaps, are also carved and sculpted and show stars of the sky of the heavens.

In fact, the Felsenmeer is unique for having over 300 stones which have been recognized by experts as having been "worked" by human hand but which the archaeologists have erroneously placed in the Roman period, regarding them as "partially worked stones" which were left in place (often in impossible locations!) due to an error in the stone or faulty workmanship on them. That would be a world record - over 300 gigantic stones partially worked by hand and left for faulty workmanship, often in locations where transport would be a super-human task?? in Germany?

No, certainly not sloppy workmanship in Germany. There are clearly a couple of stones there from the Roman period (one column, e.g.) but the rest - are nearly 4000 years older and there is no fault or flaw on them, as we shall see. The ancients
worked these stones into various forms corresponding to the stars and constellations of the heavens and left them in situ (in place where they stood) for later generations to appreciate. And we have finally arrived.

I have some great photos of these stones and these too will ultimately be uploaded, so there are still great things coming.

The Felsenmeer - in the German geodetic survey which I have deciphered and will soon also be explaining in these pages - represented the position of the Pleiades, which were sort of a germination platform for the stars in ancient belief, so that these stones in the Felsenmeer are a conceptual symbolic fertilization for the stars of the heavens.

In working on the German geodetic system, by the way, I was recently at the Gollenstein (The Gollen Stone) in Blieskastel near the south border to France and Luxembourg (near Saarbrücken). This stone is 7 meters 60 (6 meters 60 cm of that is above ground). It is the tallest megalith in all of middle Europe. I will be showing how the Gollenstein is an ancient representation of the largest constellation, Hydra, this being the reason for the enormous size of this megalith. There will be more interesting things from that site.

Speaking of unexpected wonders, not the least of my recent discoveries is the reddish-orange megalith called the "Red Goddess" (die Rote Göttin) from Traben-Trarbach, a stone from this very same village in which I live, which was moved some years ago from its original location and now stands in a private garden and which the locals brought to my attention. The stone has been badly misinterpreted and it too marks a major position in the German geodetic system. Does the nearby village of Ürzig (UERZIG) have something to do with URSA? You bet. Ursa Major.

The ancient Arabic name for the star alpha-Ursa Major was Thahr-al-Dubb, and this is surely Traben viz. Trar(bach). The term Traben may be neo-Roman and may go back to the German term Traube/n) "grape(s)". But then again, perhaps all are somehow related, for the grapes here are white and mature when overripe to a lush orange, like the color of the star Thahr-al-Dubb. It is said the Romans brought grapes to the Moselle Valley, but this may not be true. Perhaps wild grapes were here even before the Romans, who cultivated them, which is a different matter, but wild grapes were widely distributed in ancient days.

The "Red Goddess" is so called because the entire stone looks like the head of Lewis Carroll's "Red Queen". As I shall be uploading - this 1 and 1/2 meter megalith clearly has the Big Dipper, including a handle in relief, inscribed in large size right on the front of it.

It is quite easy to see. Inscribed above it - actually both are sideways - and equally easy to see is Ursa Minor as an axe-head and handle. No one was more amazed about this than I myself to whom the phrase, the grass is always greener, often applies. And here was this fantastic find, right in my own back yard.

This is probably the reason that the mountain hill at the base of which Traben is found is called by the neo-French name Mont Royal, which in German is Königsberg, King's Mountain or Royal Mountain.The vineyards here are called WÜRZ-Garten, i.e. URSA's garden. Trarbach is below Schlossberg, the castle mountain.

How do I know the star here in my home town is specifically alpha-Ursa-Major, apart from a large hole in the correct position on the megalith? Of the seven major stars of Ursa Major, six are hot WHITE stars, and only Thahr-al-Dubb (today called Dubhe) is an ORANGE-colored star and this color - as written by Patrick Moore in his German version Atlas of the Stars (Grosser Atlas der Sterne) is easily seen with the naked eye even today - and surely so in ancient days.

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

LexiLine Journal #6 - 2002 : Miami Circle Brickell Point Florida



The connection of the Miami Circle to the Great Lakes region was recently made by Florida archaeologists who found hematite point projectiles near the Miami Circle site.

One of these iron oxide projectiles, according to the archaeologists,
stems from the Great Lakes region ca. 5000-6000 years ago. See


This fits exactly with my chronological dating of the earth survey. It also meshes well with my hypothesis that the site at Peterborough, Canada, was a center of geodetic survey ca. 3117 BC, tied in to the Miami site. The Argonauts came southward from Peterborough.

I am now uploading 4 new files to the folder Ancient Geodetics [Update 2006, now in the folder North America - USA Canada]:


These 4 files present my decipherments of the Miami Circle, which was discovered at Brickell Point, Florida only a few years ago.

My decipherments show the Miami Circle to represent the position of Hydra in the geodetic survey of 3117 BC and also show the figures, stars and constellations represented by the Miami Circle.

Let me say that my decipherments here are still PROVISIONAL because the photographic sources at my disposal are limited.

When I am able to get exact photos - large and small - of the site, then I will be able to decipher the site exactly. The current decipherments still contain a lot of guesswork on my part due to incomplete and inexact sources and should be treated accordingly.


miamibig.tif shows ONLY the large figures which can be seen on initial aerial
photographs taken of the site. These are:

1. the serpent of heaven, as Hydra and Draco encircling the Milky Way (the Milky Way is marked by that "circle" of holes, all of which represent figures of fish, birds, animals etc.)
2. Man and Woman as Ursa Major and Cassiopeia
3. Ursa Minor as an axe (or hammer)
4. Leo and surrounding constellations as a large cat head
5. A mouse (?) as Cepheus (i.e. the cat chases the mouse across the heavens - an early version
of Walt Disney's Tom and Jerry?)

These large figures - whence my giving the name miamibig.tif - must have been carved first. Thereafter, the ancients must have added smaller figures and stars and constellations. Some of the artwork is truly unique, though it bears the same stamp as the artwork at Kents Cavern - perhaps one person drew the design and the others carved it out? In any case, perhaps the famed Florida Sun accounts for some of the material.

The circle is surrounded by faces apparently representing the artists who made this site and there are several instances of strong fertility art at the rim of the picture as well as in the center
which I will not go into further. If you are able to see these instances, fine. Mankind has not changed much in this regard in 5000 years.

A more detailed analysis of the figures and astronomy of the Miami Circle can be seen at


which shows the decipherment of the entire Miami Circle in detail

and also

miamisw.tif and miaminw.tif

which show my decipherment of the respective Southwest and Northwest
corners of the circle, with the NW corner being particularly
instructive. These decipherments are not complete, since the
available photographic material is incomplete.

The SE and SW corners have long been "under construction" by the
archaeologists and thus not photographically accessible for detailed

Monday, April 15, 2002

LexiLine Journal #5 - 2002 : Ancient Geodetic Survey of America



[2006 update - see cahokia decipherment here]

I have deleted the old
cahokia.tif & cahokia.gif

in the Ancient Britain file -
where they did not really belong anyway -

and have uploaded
to the file on Ancient Geodetics
an amended - cahokia.tif
plus a new
both dealing with the geodetic survey of America ca. 3117 BC.

Based on my new knowledge from the Thornborough Circles and the
Mountain Temples of Yucatan, it has been possible to make some
important corrections to my previous analysis of the ancient survey
of the Americas - some of the star positions had to be changed and
the distances amended. Please note that this alleged survey of the
Americas is PROVISIONAL - it is a working model - and I am sure some
fine tuning corrections will ultimately have to be made - but I think
the rough basics are correct. Especially Miami as Hydra has convinced
me that the underlying analysis is sound - as the recently found
Miami Circle - as I have discovered - has a large relief of Hydra on
it (together with a map of the heavens), and I will be upoading a
file on this in the coming days.


These ancient survey distances - as I have discovered - are often
multiples of the Golden Section (1.618) - and correspond to distances
also used in Europe for ancient geodetic survey. To arrive at the
distances, I use a software program called Geothek, where I can click
on points on a world map and it tells me the distance between them -
these distances will not have the accuracy of modern survey, but they
are sufficiently accurate for our purposes. I do not know how
accurate the ancients were. I am sure we will know more when
professional surveyors and cartographers start working with my

I give the basic distances in MODERN kilometers. The ancients surely
had their own mile or kilometer, perhaps based on the so-called
megalithic yard, but it is the relative RATIOS of the distances to
each other which is important, not the unit itself. We could use any
number as a measuring unit - and multiples times 2 or multiplied by

Using modern distance units,
ca. 1050 kilometers resulted as a basic distance unit
(with related distances of 1700, 2100, 2750, 3400
and 5500 km as follows):

1050 km basic unit of long-distance geodetic survey
x 2 = 2100 km
1050 km x 1.618 = ca. 1700 km
x 2 = 3400 km
1700 km x 1.618 = ca. 2750 km
x 2 = 5500 km

These are the distances I find often in my alleged ancient geodetic
survey of America ca. 3000 BC. Recall that I did not LOOK for these
specific distances. Rather, they appear for sites which appear to be
the major sites for survey.

The major axis of North America from Miami to Whitehorse measures
5600 km. The ancients must have calculated this as 5500 km.
For Neolithic Man measuring by the stars, this would seem to be a
phenomenal result.

[Update October 11, 2002 by Steve Burdic]

Subj: Uragh photo
Date: 10/10/2002 1:40:29 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: "Steve Burdic"

On another subject, your Cahokia gif uses 1050 km as the base distance to derive the other triangulated values. You state that the distance is not critical but only the ratios. Where did the
1050 km come from? It looks like it fits your diagram quite well. Did you know that Arkansas archeologist Martha Rolingson has determined that a module of 47.5 meters determines the placement of many Mississippian Era earthen mounds. One of the values that seems to repeat itself in the layout of Cahokia is 22 times the module distance or 1045 meters. This is close to ten percent of your 1050 km figure, well within Martha's margin of error.

Best Regards

Steve Burdic

Friday, April 12, 2002

LexiLine Journal #4 - 2002 : German Magdalenian Planisphere



I have made some astounding discoveries about megalithic and prehistoric sites in Germany in recent weeks.

To start, I am uploading the most spectacular first, a stone preserved under the pumice from a volcano eruption ca. 11000 BC at Maria Laach - near Koblenz, Germany and near the Magdalenian sites of Andernach near Koblenz and Gönnersdorf near Neuwied (other side of the Rhine).

This upload is rhineman.tif

I have been able to decipher this stone, showing it to be a planisphere of the heavens which I date [very speculatively, of course] to 11000 BC, at a time when the summer solstice point was at the base of the division of the Milky Way into two legs near Aquila and Serpens Cauda. The "joining" area of the two legs of the Milky Way is at Deneb in Cygnus.

This is the oldest planisphere - by my astronomical decipherment dates - that I have deciphered.

The stone has led to further astonishing observations about the history of mankind's astronomy. [These are speculative etymologies !]


An eagle marks the constellation of Hercules on this stone. Now, in Latvian an EAGLE is ERGLIS = HERCULES. This must be the original name - are we dealing here with the early
prehistoric stage in the observation of the heavens ca. 11000 BC?


A woman marks the position of CEPHEUS at the "head" of the Milky Way. This is astonishing. The man is across the way at Lacerta.

This supports Gimbutas who argued that the Indo-Europeans were originally matriarchal.


CYGNUS is represented by an OWL and Deneb marks an obvious spot at the point where the two legs of the Milky Way join - next to which the ancients have also placed the corresponding male counterpart. In Latvian an OWL is called a PUCE, a word homophonic to many similar
terms, especially since Latvian PUSE means "half" and PUSHU- means division.

However, the name CYGNUS seems to be the same as Latvian SIK-SPARNIS and is applied as a name for the nocturnal "bat", so that what I first saw as an owl in the stone may in fact be a bat. We must recall that the ancients lived in caves and bats would have been a very well known phenomenon of the night, well suited to personify this location in the Milky Way of Stars.

SCORPIO = (s)CARP - fish

SCORPIO here - very old indeed - is clearly a s(CARP) i.e. a Carp fish - later confused with Akrab - the crab - for the ancient Turks called Scorpio Uzun Koirughi "long-tailed".

It was in fact known early in India as Kaurpya. The name is surely
retained in similar form in the name of the star Graffias (by

The Arabs called their 15th manzil Iklial al Jabhah, the Crown of the
Forehead, as we saw in the Maya Mask, but this is of course a much
more modern version, as we now see.

DRACO Drac-o = Latvian ZiRGa, i.e DZIRGa "of the horse"

The Magdalenians are known to have been primarily hunters of horses, but it is still absolutely astonishing to me that there is a horse between Cepheus and Hercules, making the original Draco of heaven a horse.

This now explains why the Latvian Dainas are full of material about God's horse in the heavens and its saddle, which I had always thought meant Pegasus, without this location however fitting the content of the verses in the Dainas.

This also explains the origin of the term DRACO, coming from ancient Indo-European e.g. Latvian ZIRGAS "horse" (Mongolian AZIRGAS) which must have been a fricative DZIRG- to begin with and then evolved to DIRG- , DRAC-o. Ancient etymologies of Draco thought it meant "swift" (see Richard Hinckley Allen, p. 203) and this can now be confirmed as correct, for Latvian ZHIRG-tas "swift that" is the same as horse "ZIRG-". The ancients saw the turning of the heavens from night to day and back as "swift".

Interesting also is that the entire heavens is represented - humorously it seems - on the stone as a sort of personified axe-head with a mouth and nose at Aquila, the tip of the head at Cassiopeia (the crown), the back head at Hercules and Ophiuchus and the bottom at the point between Sagittarius and Scoprio which marked the Summer Solstice - here the beak of bird of some kind - probably a hen since Latvian VIS-ta "hen" is like Latvian VAS-ara "summer". Humankind took their axes very seriously in those days as their major tool.

All of this is absolutely remarkable to say the least. It left me - to some degree - speechless.
Astronomy ca. 3000 BC is something we can all fathom. But this kind of astronomical sophistication already in 11000 BC is another thing.

But of course, this is all VERY speculative and needs some corroboration from other sources to have any value at all.

Thursday, April 11, 2002

LexiLine Journal #3 - 2002 : Maya Temples and Maya Planispheres - Yucatan - Oxkintok - San Bartolo, Guatemala



Maya Temples and Maya Planispheres - Yucatan - Oxkintok - San
Bartolo, Guatemala

To the file on Ancient Hermetic Temples at LexiLine I have added the file


which shows the mountain temples of Yucatan, the purpose of which has
been unexplained up to now.

As I have discovered, these temples were erected by the Maya on
ancient sites which marked the measurement which is recorded at
Thornborough Circles - i.e. the 1/4 of heaven measured in 3117 BC
from the star alpha Hydrus to the star beta Hydrus to the star
alpha in Triangulum Australis. This measurement was made along a
natural ridge used for marking the celestial meridian on the line of
the equinoxes.

The amazing thing is that I have also found an additional proof for
the correctness of the decipherment at Yucatan and Thornborough.

The uppermost and most northerly of these Yucatan temples is Oxkintok
(Maxcanu) and a wondrous Maya Mask was found there - a mask with 3
eyes in the shape of the 3 end stars of Scorpio which mark the Autumn
Equinox along the celestial meridian 3117 BC on the line running from
the star alpha in Hydrus to the star beta in Hydrus to the star alpha
in Triangulum Australis.

I would never have looked at this mask twice if it were not for those
three eyes and the fact that the mask is made with the smallest of
stones at the top with larger stones toward the face - which I
thought was strange - since the top of the head would be the easiest
to paste stones on - as a flat surface without the features of the
face - and yet the smallest stones were used here rather than the
large ones I would have expected, so I thought, this was probably
done with a purpose.

I examined all the stones with the various tools of my graphics
programs (picture enlargement, threshold colors and lines, etc.).

To my own astonishment, the stones on the Maya Mask are a planisphere
of the heavens. This must have been a Maya Star Priest.

Hence, I have added the file


to a new Maya folder which I have created under the existing folder
Ancient Planispheres.

Also to that new Maya folder I have added


which takes a Maya Wall Mural

as published in the most recent National Geographic Magazine

and which
I draw showing how that wall mural represents the portion of the
heavens running from Pisces to Orion.

Since this is 1 side of a 4-walled shrine (which reminds of the
ancient astronomical shrines, e.g., in China), I can state with
relative certainty that the other 3 sides, when published, will show
the other three corresponding regions of Heaven.

Tuesday, April 09, 2002

LexiLine Journal #2a - 2002 : Thornborough Circles




Due to my recent acquisition of Starry Night Pro, the best state-of-
the-art astronomy program on the market today, some corrections and
new discoveries can be reported regarding the Thornborough Circles,
Yorkshire, England, 3117 BC.

The previous file thornbor.tif in the LexiLine files has been deleted
and a new corrected version uploaded under the same name.

The file thornbo2.tif has also been uploaded.

Starry Night Pro has permitted me to decipher the calculation being
performed by the Thornborough Circles as the measure of the celestial
meridian at the equinoxes in 3117 BC from the South Pole Star to the
North Pole Star.

The measuring points used by the ancients were the following stars or

- the star alpha in Hydrus (close by is the South Pole Star in
3117 BC represented as a small mound at Thornborough)
- the star alpha in Triangulum Australis
- the star alpha in Scorpio, Antares
- the star kappa in Serpens Caput - this explains why this otherwise
rather insignificant constellation was so important in this era (!)
- the North Pole Star

These stars mark the Celestial Meridian at the Equinoxes in 3117 BC.
As one can see at Thornborough - the star alpha in Triangulum
Australis, the nearest bright star at the point desired, is off
slightly to the right of the meridian line and this is reflected in
the slightly skewed position of the 3 Circles at Thornborough.


The third time - and third correction - is the charm....

Although my new understanding - that the measurement at Thornborough
Circles runs along the celestial meridian at the Equninoxes in ca.
3117 BC - was correct, the second version of the interpretation of
the Thornborough Circles just uploaded several days ago needed
correction again,

so that I have again deleted the old thornbor.tif and replaced it
with a new version, which now stands,

running the decipherment of the 3 circles from the star alpha in
Hydrus to the star beta in Hydrus to the star alpha in Triangulum
Australis, i.e. a distance of 1/4 of the heavens.

Uploaded new - therefore - thornbor.tif

The reason for this correction was my search for a place where the
Thornborough Circles measurement was originally made - since of
course this was not done in England but only recorded there on the
ground. The newest National Geographic Magazine came to the rescue.

The Lexiline Newsletternto be sent today will provide the
details, since the place of origin of this measurement was further
south - and as we shall see - originally YUCATAN.

The ancient locations for the measurements were later places on which
temples were built by the Maya, but the original measurements were
made by the Argonauts long before them.

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