Monday, January 16, 2006

Devil's Tower Pleiades Wyoming USA - LexiLine Journal 383

Diane Lasater (, a new member of Lexiline, wrote to me that she was reviewing our LexiLine files at and had come across the ArdriStone in Carlow County, Ireland, which I identified through the "rifling" of the stone as the Pleiades, as also the rifled Tuilyies Stane in Fife, Scotland which I also identified as the Pleiades.

Her comment is as follows:
"I can't image a stone more "rifled" than Devil's Tower, a gigantic basalt cone just west of here, and it too is associated with the Pleiades in Indian legend. Some Indian legends have it as Bear Rock, the gashes made by the giant claws of the bear in pursuit of the sisters who, were lifted higher and higher as the rock rose into the sky where they became the Pleiades. Some say that the cone is a tree that rose into the sky, but the rifling seems always to have been left by the claws of the giant bear."
Well, I was astounded by this message and found a website by an astronomer online from the Canadian National Research Council at

who writes as follows:
"The Pleiades are culturally important. They are mentioned in the Bible and in historical writings from many countries. In a legend of the Kiowa Nation, they are associated with Mateo Tepe, the Devil's Tower, in Wyoming. This volcanic plug, made of basalt columns, was made famous in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". Seven maidens were pursued by giant bears, so the Great Spirit created the tower for them to take refuge. The vertical grooves on the tower are the claw marks made by the bears. Afterwards the girls were placed in the sky. The Pleiades are associated with Hallowe'en and All Saints Day. The night the Pleiades lie due south at midnight is traditionally the date of the Witches Sabbath. The Pleiades are even used as a logo by a car manufacturer."
To see some magnificent photos of Devil's Tower, just plug that term into your search engine and look for the images.

I am quite personally pleased of course because this is additional evidence - previously unknown to me - that my decipherments of the megaliths are correct, but be sure to look at photos of this stone online if you have never seen it. It is quite magnificent.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Enkidu Gilgamesh Sumer Megaliths Indus Sanskrit Dainas - LexiLine Journal 382

What follows is really a fairly improbable chain of speculations but you might be interested in them. They developed after a reader asked me about the origins of the names Urshanabi and Enkidu.


Sumerian UR in proper names in my opinion relates to Greek OUR- as in ouranos (heaven), in Latvian ĀRĀ "all that is outside".

Shanabi viz. Shanibi is in my opinion related to the Latvian term Zinība viz. Zināšana (knowledge, from Ziņas "news" whence Science i.e. Scns / Zns = Ziņas) and where the BI- or BA- suffix in Latvian is like the English ending -ledge together with the word "know-" or -ment with wonder (wonderment) or -ness with like (likeness) or -ing with eat (eating), etc. Hence I think that Ur-Shanabi was something like UR-ZINIBA "the incarnation of the knowledge of the heavens", represented in the Gilgamesh epic as the personified Urshanabi (the heavenly ferryman).

It may of course be that the concept of the "New Year" is also intended by Urshanabi since Hebrew Shanah also means "new year, transmutation, repeat", which corresponds to Ur-Shanabi's role as "the ferryman" (over the divide of time in heaven), in which case UR-SHANABI would be comparable to Hebrew Rosh Hashanah "the head of the New Year", but this would not explain how that concept was personified, whereas the UR-ZINIBA or UR-ZINIBAI explanation as "(for) heaven's knowledge" does.


ENKIDU is sometimes written ENKITA and this is surely the same as Sanskrit ANUGITA, a word allegedly derived "from anu (after, alongside) + gita (sung, chanted, song) and thus Enkidu was "the (song) buddy alongside" GILGAMESH (astronomically Orion) although ANU might also simply here be "heaven".

The song connection corresponds in fact with Sumerian logogram (written symbol) du12, as in Enki-du.

Sumerian du12 at Patrick Ryan's website
is archaic symbol 944 (sign)
(see the sign lower-down on that page)
and du12 is thought to mean "to play an instrument, to sing"
and that would be Latvian "dzied".


Anugita was one of the Upanishads
"the philosophical parts of the Vedas"
The Upanishads are "one of the scriptures of Hinduism. The inspired teachings, visions, and mystical experiences of the ancient sages of India (exceeding one hundred texts); the concluding portion of the Vedas and the basis for Vedantic philosophy."


Gilgamesh as stated in the eulogistic Prologue to the Epic of Gilgamesh
was King in Uruk (Biblical Erech, modern Warka)
who built brick walls, a rampart and a temple for Anu, god of the firmament (the heavens).
Note that in spite of the fact that the Epic of Gilgamesh tells us explicitly why the ziggurats and pyramids were built (as temples for gods of the heavens), mainstream scholars still don't get it, with very few exceptions, such as Werner Papke (see


As we see from our analysis of his buddy's name EnKITA (meaning "alongside KITA"), Gilgamesh is correctly transcribed as GITA-mesh and not GILGA-mesh, and this corresponds to the Sanskrit, Vedic GAUTAMA, who is the key figure in Buddhism as Gautama Buddha. GAUTAMA is similar to Latvian GAUDAMA "to be sung, wailed" viz. Latin GAUDEAMUS (rejoice!), and that is why du12 has to do with song, it is a homophonic symbol.

The scholars think that the original Gautama Buddha was born as Siddhartha Gautama ca. 563 BC which can not be correct since Siddhartha Gautama (the Supreme Buddha) as a name means "descendant of Gautama whose aims are achieved". Hence, Siddhartha Gautama was only a descendant of the original GAUTAMA, who was the true Buddha, and whose myth and legend reach much further back historically into the ancient days of Sanskrit and the Vedas and the Land of Five Rivers, Punjab, home of the Indus Valley Civilization, and that takes us back to 3000 B.C.

As written at
"the aborigines [of Punjab] ... buried their dead in the ground, beneath circular stones, mounds and perpendicular slabs, like the early inhabitants of Europe".

and so we have arrived - again - at the megalith builders, who are then clearly the originators of the astronomical epic of Gilgamesh and the temple(s) built to ANU, god of the firmament, i.e. God of the Heavens. Anu is Latvian Jānis in the Dainas, also found in Latvian in the form JĀŅU ("of John", God of Midsummer, i.e. god of the Summer Solstice, probably rooted in the Latvian word JAUNU meaning "new").

That above website thinks the dark aborigines were the megalith builders, preceding the Aryans and the Vedas, but of course, this is not true for there is no evidence that they ever took any of this custom with them when the Aryans supplanted them, so that the Sanskrit-speaking Aryans must have been the megalith builders. The megalith builders were fair-skinned, based on the few depictions we have of them, and they brought their culture with them. These same Aryans are also the Sumerians. The Sumerian and Akkadian myths and legends, including their verses,
just like Sanskrit language and the Vedas
are similar to Latvian language and the Latvian Dainas (Lithuanian Dainos)

When we say "LATvians", we presume here to be talking about the ancient "Germanic" (for lack of a better general term) dwellers of Balto-Scandia (Baltic Scandinavia). A LAT is Swede or Norwegian to a Lapplander and in English we still speak of LADs, LADDies and LADys, while German LEUTE means "people".

The Sumerian-Akkadian terms for Gilgamesh are
Ziu-suddu (Ziusuddu) and Utna-pishtim (Utnapishtim)
which correspond to Latvian
Ud(z)ens-zens (Udens zens) and Udena-puisitim (Udena puisitim)
"son of the flood, son of the waters".
see also
where Enkidu is also called Lu.CHUNG.GA (Lu is a determinative meaning "citizenry", Latvian LAUdis, German LEUte) and CHUNG.GA is Latvian KUNG- (KUNGA), the Latvian form of address comparable to "Sir" in English, and thus heavenly "Lord of the people (of the earth)".

And if this is the flood of the last Ice Age melt, as we think it is, then this takes us clear back to ca. 5600 BC.

Zilais Kalns (Zilaiskalns) Latvia Deciphered as Ancient Astronomy - LexiLine Journal 381

We were traveling in Latvia in October of last year and this renewed my interest in ancient Baltic megalithic sites.

I have added a new decipherment to our online LexiLine files at in the Baltic - Latvia Lithuania Estonia file at

Zilais Kalns (Blue Hill) Latvia is a Planisphere of the Heavens ca. 3800 BC

It is my new astronomical decipherment of Zilais Kalns (Blue Hill) in Latvia (written together as Zilaiskalns in modern orthography) which was sent to me by Dainis Ozolins in Latvia some months ago and which I just successfully deciphered on January 2 of 2006. See the website of Dainis Ozolins on Sacred Sites at

Zilaiskalns is located very close to and almost due south of the village of Kaulini (this author's namesake) and of Burtnieku Ezers, a large lake in Latvia whose name can be translated as "Lake of the Letterers" but also as "Lake of the Wisemen" or "Lake of the Sorcerers", because the Latvian word burt(s) means both "letter" but also "to practise magic", so that the art of writing in ancient days was seen as something special. Recall also that Latvian runā(t) means "speech, to talk", whence runes. But of course 6000 years ago there was no writing in the manner that we know it today, and instead, the patterns and symbols woven onto clothing were called - and still are called - raksti "writings". Hence, symbols were known, but not modern writing in the alphabetic sense.

According to my decipherment, Zilais Kalns (Blue Hill) represents a planisphere (sky map) of the heavens which I date to ca. 3800 BC, a date which would mesh with my previous decipherments
and dating of sites at Lake Onega, Staraya Zalavruga and Vottovaara in Karelia which I have dated as far back as ca. 4000 BC....

In my view, these sites are among the oldest of such megalithic astronomical sites and the archaic Latvian epic-type verses, the Dainas (Lithuanian Dainos), relate to the ancient astronomical pantheon which these megalithic sites once represented. Indeed, many ancient myths and legends, especially relating to the solar celebration of Midsummer, the calendric feast in Latvia called Līgo Svētki, and still celebrated today, center around Zilais Kalns (see in this regard Latvijas Ceļvedis, ISBN 9984-07-366-1, p. 195, as also at and also

In the Baltic all of these ancient elements find their confluence: megalithic sites, ancient verse mythology, very ancient dress, ancient traditions and ancient customs, and an archaic state of Indo-European language. These were then spread - primarily by seafaring voyage from the Scandinavian Baltic (Balto-Scandia) - to other parts of the world. At least, that is my theory.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Top 6 Archaeology News Stories for 2005 at - LexiLine Journal 380

K. Kris Hirst, the archeaology "guide" at, has made a choice of the "Top 6 Archaeology News Stories for 2005" at

The selections are (go to the site for details):

1) Further Fossil Finds of Flores Man ...
2) Cracking the Khipu Code ...
3) Maya Site Q Found ...
4) US Cultural Resource Laws in Jeopardy ...
5) A Glass Making Workshop for the Pharaoh Ramses II ...
6) Writing System in South America Discovered at Caral ...

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