Monday, March 31, 2003

LexiLine Journal #161 - 2003 : Megaliths in Azerbaijan Gobustan Baku Apsheron Megalithic Sites Rock Drawings Paintings Winter Solstice 3117 BC



In a recent message (reproduced further below) I had an inquiry
about rock drawings, cupmarks and cart ruts in Aserbaijan (Azerbaijan),
inter alia, as follows

>A colleague and I have been actively seeking out neolithic and
>bronze age sites for the past year in Azerbaijan with much
>success.With the exception of the Gobustan area and its
>petroglyphs, this era in Azerbaijan is very poorly understood.

[I answered, inter alia, as follows....]

I have looked at the materials available to me now in some detail.
You claim above that Gobustan is well understood, but I can say
categorically that this is not the case, Thor Heyerdahl to the
contrary. I can say with some assurance that Gobustan, Baku and
Apsheron mark the Winter Solstice in ca. 3117 BC in the ancient
geodetic survey of the Earth by astronomy - near the star alpha in

See the attachment attached to the next e-mail which shows
an ancient map of the earth carved on stone found in Italy, which I
have deciphered based on a photo by Enrico Calzolari and where the
Caspian Sea marks Aquarius. [This map is in the LexiLine photo files as the file
montelongu2.gif at]

This also explains the name of Baku. As stated at:

"Debates are still going on in connection with the etymology of the
word "Baku", as well as the exact age of the city. For instance, the
English archeologist Sir William Flinders Petrie suggests that the
words "Bakhay" denoting "the mountain of Bakhou of the rising Sun"
written in the Egyptian Book of the Dead in the 2nd millenium BC
refer to Baku.... Prof. Sara Ashurbayli, the leading specialist in
this sphere thinks that the word dates back to Zoroastrianism and is
derived from the word "baga" which means "the Sun", "the God" in a
number of ancient languages." [end of quote]

For once, I agree with Petrie completely and can also support Prof.
Ashurbayli on this point as well. Since this geodetic location on
Earth marked the Winter Solstice in the ancient survey of the Earth
ca. 3117 BC it represented that point at which the Sun started its
return from its most southerly passage.

All of the megalithic rock drawings and paintings you find there
will relate to that event and all of the sites at Gobustan should
mark a planisphere of the heavens.

What needs to be done at Gobustan is to make a map of the site with
the drawings attributable to each stone etc., then you will see the
heavens open before you.

Andis Kaulins

next e-mail....

Here is my decipherment of the Neolithic geodetic map of the world
by astronomy found on Sardinia, Italy at Monte Lungo (Monte Longu)....

You can see the position that the Caspian Sea occupies.
[this map is found in our LexiLine photo files]

Andis Kaulins

next e-mail

This is a .gif of the canalicoli.jpg previously sent and please note
that this .gif has updated decipherments for locations further east
of the Caspian Sea.
Andis Kaulins

below is the full text of the inquiry I received....

>Subj: Megaliths in Azerbaijan
>Date: 3/30/2003 1:01:58 PM Eastern Standard Time
>From: "gallgher"
>Cc: "Gallagher, Ronnie \(Baku\)"
>File: DSC00098.JPG, MVC-002S.JPG, MVC-024S.JPG, DSC00098.JPG
>Sent from the Internet (Details)

>I wonder if you can help.

>A colleague and I have been actively seeking out neolithic and
>bronze age sites for the past year in Azerbaijan with much
>success. With the exception of the Gobustan area and its
>petroglyphs, this era in Azerbaijan is very poorly understood.

>Our concern is that we have found very many interesting sites and
>include a broad range of features: - stone circles, standing
>stones, rock shelter/cave, cup marks, 'sacrificial holes',
>petroglyphs and cart ruts, - to name a few. One site in particular
>containing cart ruts and stone circles and barrows is under direct
>threat from a limestone quarry operation.

>We have tried to raise awareness of the value of this site with
>relevant Ministries and elsewhere, however this has not been wholly
>successsful and 'development' continues. We believe that
>international recognition and pressure on the Government here might
>help provide some protection.

>The cart rut site in question is close to a small town of Turcan on
>the Apsheron penninsula. We believe this site is unique. Firstly it
>is our understanding that cart ruts are unknown outside the
>Mediterranean. To this extent this site may well be of
>international significance. It and most likely others in the area
>need to be protected and studied so that information may be gleaned
>on man's pre-history. What their function is in Azerbaijan is
>unknown at this stage though they do seem to be associated with old
>quarries, and stone circles. We believe thay may be contemporary
>with those in the Med. [Mediterranean] and were connected by
>seafaring passages through the Volga / Don Rostov Black Sea and
>Aegean. There is evidence that the Caspian Sea was connected to the
>Black Sea for several thousand years after the last ice age. This
>is a story waiting to be explored and told by archaeologists!

>I would be interested in your thoughts as to how we might be able
>to raise awareness and exert some pressure.

>I am also intersted in asking 'megalithic related questions' and
>liaising with relevant specialists or groups who may be able to
>assist. Here is one.

>A petroglyph that I am trying to find out more about concerns what
>might be a stone age calendar. I have attached a picture. Here you
>can see small indentations (cupmarks?) in a rock. There are about
>60 indentations and a strong play on units of 6 dots. We have
>embellished the indentatons with chalk to make them more
>prominent. We have been advised by a local arachaeologist that it
>is a calendar. Other similar calendars has been found. The one we
>have found ( if it is a calendar ) and due to the interconnecting
>lines is more elaborate. Here we feel that there may be a
>connection here to early Sumerian calendars due to the use of 6 or
>60 as a base number. But, we are not sure and wish to get some
>corroboration. Would you have any view?

>Thank you.

If you have any good answers to or ideas regarding Gallagher's
questions, please pass them on to me for publication on the LexiLine


Wednesday, March 26, 2003

LexiLine Journal #160 - 2003 : Carnac Morbihan Locmariaquer Gavrinis Megalithic Decipherment Map



To the megalithic files relating to France at

I have uploaded

carnacmp.gif (color) and carnacm.gif (grey scale) and menec1.gif

showing the decipherment of the megalithic sites of Carnac,
Morbihan, Locmariaquer, and Gavrinis.

The megalithic site of Carnac represents the stars of Libra and
Boötes in the geodetic survey of all of France in ca. 3117 BC - the
ancient figure of Menat so that MENAT = MENEC, although there is
surely also a connection of the stone rows to calculations relating
to the Moon, in Indo-European e.g. Latvian MENESS = MENEC.

At the same time, Carnac and nearby sites also represent an
independent smaller planisphere where, for example, as we have
deciphered, the stone row alignment of Menec shows the ancient
figure of Menat in the older earthworks under the menhirs.

This identification shows that the origin of the name Carnac is
related to the Arabic term Nakkar i.e. NAK-KAR (reversed as viz. CAR-
NAC or KAR-NAK as in Egypt) which in later eras was applied to the
constellation of Boötes.

Note that KER [= KAR, CAR] appears in many place names in France. In
Bretonic it simply means "house" , i.e. in an astronomical context
a "house" of the heavens for these sites. It can thus be placed at
the beginning or end of the described house. The sky map formed at
Carnac is as follows (some of the names are given with possible but
as yet speculative linguistic comparables):

Menec Stone Rows– Boötes (MENEC = ancient MENAT)
Tumulus St. Michel – Virgo
Kermario (Ker-Mario) Dolmen and Kercado (Ker-Cado) – Ursa Major
Kermario Stone Rows – Draco
Quadrilatère – Head of Draco
Manio II – Pole Star
Manio I – Geant du Manio – Manio Giant – North Ecliptic Pole
Petit Menec – Ursa Minor
La Trinitè sur Mer – Leo
Locmariaquer (Loc – maria – ker) – Hydra
Gavrinis – Head of Hydra (Latvian Galvinis "head")
Er Lannic – the "Lance Star" Procyon
Kerlescan (Ker - le - Scan) - Cepheus
Kerioned (Kerio - ned) and Keriaval (Keria – val) - Ophiuchus
Kerroch (Ker – (R)och) – Libra
Rondossec (Rondo – Sec) – Front stars of Scorpio
Vieux Moulin – Middle stars of Scorpio
Sainte Barbe – Back stars of Scorpio ("barb" is clear)
Crucuno – Front of Sagittarius (Ancient Greek Chiron)
Kergo (Ker – GO) – Capricorn (Old Persian Goi)
Brizil (Bri – Zil) – Aquila
Kerlagat (Ker – la – GAT) – Cygnus (Arabic Katha, Katat)
Kerlescan – Cepheus

The reason for the great number of stone row alignments at Carnac
can be seen from the file uploaded as


where the pyramid-type triangulation shows that the ancients were
measuring major parameters of heaven in relation to one another,
including the Autumn Equinox, the Summer Solstice, the North
Celestial Pole, the North Ecliptic Pole, and the North Galactic Pole.


The similarity of Carnac, France to Karnak, Egypt does not exist
merely in the name.

The beginnings of Karnak in Egypt have also been traced to ca. 3000
BC as at Carnac in France. Karnak is also famed for the "stone
alignment" rows of its columns - which have also been shown to have
an astronomical significance. One axis of Karnak points e.g. to the
Summer Solstice sunset and the Winter Solstice sunrise.

We surely also have an undeniable connection to the ancient figure
of MENAT at Karnak in Egypt just as in Carnac in France. The most
northerly ancient temple at Karnak was the temple of MONT or MONTU,
so that MENAT = MONT. This of course was BOÖTES, since Karnak was
the region called Thebes (ancient Waset) by the Greeks as the
capital city of the region of BOEOTIA (= BOÖTES).

The astronomical geodetic system originally used at CARNAC in France
and KARNAK in Egypt is thus the same.

Based on the position of the Temple of Mont at Karnak in Egypt, this
ancient MONT was nothing other than the MOUNT of heaven, i.e. the
North Celestial Pole.

The southern temple of Karnak also has a square-edged sacred lake
and was dedicated to the goddess MUT, the wife of Amon. This would
appear to be the North Galactic Pole which is located at the right-
angle formed by Coma Berenices above Virgo.

To the left of the main Karnak temple we find the Temple of Khons,
which is shown in Pharaonic reliefs as a youth with a headdress of a
horizontal crescent moon that is surmounted by a full moon. This
would appear to be Corona Borealis.

Through Carnac in France, we thus have learned essential new facts
about Karnak in Egypt. This is rather incredible.

LexiLine Journal #159 - 2003 : Brittany France Megalithic Decipherment Map



To our files on the megalithic sites of France at

I have uploaded the file
showing a map of the decipherment of megalithic sites in Brittany.

The general positions are as follows:

Lanvenael represents the front three stars of Scorpio – including
Dschubba and Graffias.

St. Guénolé and Pointe de la Torche represent stars to the right
side of these three stars.

Lesconil, Plouhinec and Douarnenez represent Antares and stars to
its side.

Crozon and Camaret represent stars in the middle of Scorpio, i.e. at
the middle along its axis toward the back stars of Scorpio.

St. Mathieu, Plouarzel, Portsall and Ploudalmézeau represent stars
at the back of Scorpio including Plouarzel as marking the star
Girtab and Portsall marking the star Shaula (perhaps there is some
ancient relation between the terms SALL and SHAULA).

UPDATE March 26, 2003

But it is not only Scorpio which is represented by Brittany in the
ancient geodetic scheme.

The stars of Serpens Cauda are represented by the megalithic sites
of Brignogan, Plouescat, Barnenez, Lannion and Lezardrieux.

The stars of Ophiuchus are represented by the megalithic sites of
Mur-de Bretagne (St.-Gilles-Vieux-Marche), Rostrennen, Huelgoat,
Commana, Tregon, Saint-Samson-sur-Rance (La Temblais), Chateauneuf
and Dol de Bretagne.

Stars of Serpens Caput are represented by Janze and Broceliande in
Paimpoint, with the latter known as Merlin's Grave, just as Serpens
Caput also marks "Merlin's Grave" at Paviland and the nearby
Arthur's Stone Maen Ceti in Wales in the United Kingdom.

LexiLine Journal #158 - 2003 : France Megalithic Sites Map of Decipherment



To our LexiLine online files for France at

I have uploaded
france.gif - color - and
francebw.gif - grey scale
showing a general map of my decipherment of the megalithic sites of

The system used in Ancient France is the same as used in the
Neolithic period in other countries, marking a geodetic survey by
astronomy ca. 3117 BC with a center at Ile de France (today this is
Paris) which marks the North Ecliptic Pole, so that the origin of
the name PARIS is surely related to POLIS, i.e. POLE or center of
France AND of heaven for the Neolithic French geodetic survey.

The North Celestial Pole in ca. 3117 BC was thus at Orleans, with
Chartres, long alleged by many researchers to be a geodetic point,
thus marking a much older position of the pole star on its wobbly
path around the ecliptic pole.

The general geodetic astronomical locations are:

Mount Bego – line of the Vernal Equinox ca. 3117 BC
Provence – French Riviera – Draguignan – Eridanus
Queyras – Taurus – Chateau-Ville-Vielle - red megalith - Aldebaran
Counozouls – Roussillon – Sirius - Canis Major
Clermont-L-`Hérault – Dolmen Pouget - Languedoc – Lepus - Columba
Aquitaine – Bordeaux – St. Emilion - Hydra - (Lascaux - Leo)
Midi Pyrenees – Tarn – Rouussayrolles – Middle of the Milky Way
Ardeche – Orion – Chauvet Pont-d'Arc (Planisphere, Milky Way)
Auvergne – Clermont-Ferrand – Riom – Gemini
Limousin – Limoges – Cancer - Leo Minor
Lyon - Lugdunum – Lugh – Auriga
Mont Blanc - Bourg St. Maurice – Simandre-sur-Suran - Pleiades
Western Loire - Vendée – Pierre-Qui-Vire – Virgo – Boötes - La
Poitou Charentes – Poitiers – Saumur – Ursa Major
Central Loire Valley – Camelopardalis – Orleans – North Celestial
Burgundy – Dijon – Couches – Perseus
Franche Comte – Besancon – Aries – Andromeda
Alsace – Strasbourg – Sainte-Odile (Mont) – Aquarius
Lorraine – Metz – Nancy – Pegasus
Chalons-sur-Marne - Champagne – Cassiopeia
Ardenne – Reims – Congy – Cepheus
Paris – Ile de France – North Ecliptic Pole
Chartres (site of the North Celestial Pole thousands of years
previous to 3117 BC)
Carnac – Libra (part of the ancient constellation Menat with Boötes
above it)
Brittany – Scorpio Serpens Cauda Caput Ophiuchus Libra Boötes
Channel Islands – Guernsey – Jersey – Sark - Sagittarius
Normandy – Neaufles-Auvergny - Hercules
Picardy – Amiens – Boubiers – Oise – Cygnus
Pas de Calais – Lille – Arras – Aquila

Additional file uploads and more detailed postings on the megalithic
sites of France will follow.

LexiLine Journal #157 - 2003 : La Hogue Bie Jersey Channel Islands Megaliths



To our files at
in the subdirectory for the Channel Islands under La Hogue Bie
I have deleted the old file hoguebie.gif
uploaded a new revised file
showing that the Inner Sanctum dates to ca. 3117 BC.

I had originally deciphered this inner sanctum as dating to ca. 2340

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