Monday, December 30, 2002

LexiLine Journal #100 - 2002 : Epagomena El Nassey Al Nasak New Year Calculation



Happy New Year 2003 !

This will be the last LexiLine Newsletter in 2002 so that the year
2003 will intentionally start with LexiLine Newsletter 101 and thus
we will have an easy way to follow the number of Newsletters in the
coming year.

In terms of the history of astronomy, most of you probably know that
the fixing of the New Year at January 1 rather than at the Winter
Solstice has a long history going back at least to the Romans, who
used this date, though the reason is not explicitly recorded.

Very long ago, humans calculated by the Moon, giving a year of 354
days or 12 months x 29.5 days.

The first civil solar calendars were only 360 days or 12 months of
30 days, leaving 5 days left over from the true solar year of 365

The Greeks knew these intermediary days "between the years" as
epagomena, and this "short week" was called "El Nassey" by the Arabs
(and also Nissanu or Nisan by the Babylonians and Hebrews), a term
which I see related to the Arabic Al Nasak.

Al Nisak (> El Nassey) applied both to the stars delta, epsilon and
zeta in ORION - and this is Orion's Belt - as well as stars opposite
in the sky in Hercules (beta and gamma), Ophiuchus (delta and
epsilon) and Serpens, a line known by the Arabs as Raudah (= Latvian
Rauta - the line drawn or plumbed).

These opposing stars marked the Equinoxes in 3117 BC so that the
epagomenal days will already have been used at that time, as we know
from Pharaonic Egypt and the Pyramid texts, where epagomenal days
are mentioned.

The later Pharaoh Khasekhemwy was then the calendric king who - as I
have discovered and as previously already reported - was the first
human to intercalate the calendar for the tropical year of stars
(365.2422 days vs. 365 days of the solar year).

Please note that the mean tropical year Newcomb style is 365.2422
days but that the vernal equinox year of actual days passed in a
human calendar is 365.2424 days (365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes or
365 and 8/33 days).

Much later, the epagomenal days in Egypt were allegedly tied in with
innundation of the Nile.

However, the current position at the Winter Solstice is surely the
original one, with the year starting after the Winter Solstice and
the begin of the return of the Sun. So that we have a break between
the Winter Solstice and the New Year on January 1 because of
epagomenal considerations of the ancients I am sure.

I wish you all a Happy New Year's Celebration and the Best of Luck
and Happiness in the New Year.

Remember, if you owned the WHOLE world, just by yourself, and there
were no other humans on this planet, you would be the world's
richest man or woman, but you would still have nothing. All that we
have of value depends on other human beings. Perhaps this is a good
New Year's Resolution for the coming 365 days in this often too
troubled world:

Value your fellow human being.

After all, when we study the history of ancient civilizations, we
are studying - hopefully - the good things that our fellow men did
do long ago, all over our planet.

Monday, December 23, 2002

LexiLine Journal #99 - 2002 : Merry Christmas Winter Solstice Bible



Merry Christmas to all of YOU
the unique members of LexiLine
and may your Holiday Season
be full of Good Cheer.

Prior to the days of the religions, as you all know, Christmas was
the feast of the Winter Solstice and the begin of the return of the
Sun from its most southerly abode. Modern man may not see it as
such - but our lives - such as the climates of the seasons - are
still very much a product of the movements of the heavenly spheres,
over which we have no control. It is understandable that the
ancients had such a reverence for the sun, moon and planets within
the heavenly fabric of the stars, for their welfare did depend on
it. It is a reverence we have retained, albeit in more modern form.

UPDATE from Jan Sharkey

Subj: Re: [LexiLine] 99 LexiLine Newsletter 2002 Merry Christmas
Date: 12/24/2002 11:04:14 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: "janis sharkey"


Thankyou for your Christmas Greetings. I do appreciate your emails
always with something new and informative. I have always
appreciated the links the Bible has to the heavens and even the
message of Jesus always showed the way with the true zodiac
meanings. Such as the insufficiency of the two fishes in feeding
the 5 thousand, Bread always represents Virgo, even the man who was
carrying the pitcher represented Aquarius. I have never been able
to read the Bible without my mind being on the heavens. Even the
story of Moses who married one of seven sisters. I do think she was
the link to the main star of the Pleides. There is so much more.
When these links are understood, it is very difficult to read the
Bible in the same manner as Churches and different Christian


Jan Sharkey

UPDATE from Andis Kaulins

Merry Christmas
ICQ card
is just too good not to pass on to the group,,7944,00.html

Make sure you click ALL the reindeer
and keep your eye on the Moon in the Stars.

This is in our view THE "Astronomer's Choice"
for the best online Christmas Card of this holiday season.

LexiLine Journal #98 - 2002 : Abydos Egypt City Palette Deciphered as a Planisphere



I have uploaded my new decipherment
of the Abydos City Palette
to the Ancient Egypt folder

This decipherment is explained online at

[UPDATE December 7, 2006]


Decipherment by Andis Kaulins

This decipherment is based on two photographs on page 28 (plates 35 and 36) of a wonderful German book entitled Ägypten, Die Welt der Pharaonen, editors Regine Schulz and Matthias Seidel, publisher Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft, Köln, 1997.

That book labels this object as a "Städtepalette" [City Palette] , the object being described as: "Grauwacke [grey wacke stone]; H. [height] 19 cm, Br. [width] 22 cm; [location] Kairo [Cairo], Ägyptisches Museum, [Egyptian Museum] JE 27434 (CG 14238)." There is an extensive "Bildnachweis" (Acknowledgement of Photos) in the book organized as a very difficult-to-use alphabetical index by author rather than by picture or page number at pages 537 and 538 of that book, and after some searching, I found it to indicate that the "City Palette" photos in that book stem origianlly from Jürgen Liepe, Berlin.

The HOE (compass) = Symbol for "Measure"

Each of the "cities" is preceded by the sign of the (compass) hoe, to be read MR, which means MER- i.e. "measure" as in Latvian mer "to measure".

1. The Spring Equinox

The OWL marks Perseus and the Pleiades whose stars are shown as squares on the City Palette.

The owl hieroglyph starts the city palette marking Perseus and the Pleiades, whose stars are shown as squares on the City Palette. Above the owl is a bird, perhaps a falcon, apparently marking Camelopardalis.

The owl is used here as a symbol of the rotating heavens because of its ability to turn its head more than 90° in both directions (later so in fact shown on Greek coins of the owl of Athena).


The Egyptian Ba-Bird JABIRU = Sumerian HABUR

The 2nd hieroglyph starts star regions which appear to be equivalent to the Sumerian Sons of God. It is a hieroglyph of the so-called Ba-Bird or JABIRU, which of course is identical to HABUR on the Sumerian Sons of God list. This is Orion and also here, the 7 principal stars of Orion are marked.


The TWINS = Sumerian sa-KIN-KIN

The third symbol, the twins, is self-explanatory. SA-KIN-KIN on the Sumerian Sons of God list
covers Canis Major and Gemini, so KIN KIN may mean either Canis Major or the doubled twins - in this sky region, i.e. the doubling simply shows the plural form.

4. Cancer = Sumerian UK...KU...

CANCER = Sumerian UK...KU... Sanskrit KARKA. This is clearly a crab-like or lizard-like animal. It is the glyph to the far left of the top line.

5. LEO, the Lion = (ELASSER, LARAK)

Below the lion is the hieroglyph of the outstretched arms |__|, crossed by an additional line, the reading of which is the same as a man with his arms held up high meaning "spirit, high"
i.e. K3 = KR or KRi, as in Indo-European (Latvian) KARALis "regent, king" but also GAR- "spirit" or AUG "high". LARAK may be KARAL.

This outstretched arm hierogylph is read by the Greeks as KER, which is like Latvian KER- (palatal k, pronounced TJER) meaning "grasp". Here it markes Crater and Hydra (Djer).


Dendera has a crab at the position of Leo Minor and here we have it again, looking like a scorpion, which originally led me to think this was Scorpio, which is not the case. It is Leo Minor, on ancient megaliths marked as a knife or dagger - so this was a "sharp" symbol. Below the scorpion is the symbol of a footstool or basket - Corvus - seemingly confused in the course of time with Crater as "the pot", and as Richard Hinckley Allen in Star Names notes some ascriptions to Crater, "but all this better suits Corvus" (p. 183).


The hieroglyph is "reedgrass, Binse" or SCHT

Virgo was the maiden of the wheatfield and the hieroglyph clearly shows a grass of some kind. In Persia Virgo was an ear of wheat. Above Virgo are two birds sitting on a perch whose form is that of the stars of Coma Berenices, the north galactic pole above Virgo. As Thompson writes in Richard Hinckley Allen's Star Names (p. 170):

"the stars which Conon converted into the Coma Berenices ... and which lie in Leo opposite to the Pleiades in Taurus, were originally constellated as a Dove...." That quote tells us that the birds here are doves and why the City Palette stretches from the Pleiades to Virgo.


The back side of the Abydos Palette shows three levels of animals and the lower one of plants corresponding to paths in the heavens identified first in Sumerian texts by Werner Papke in Die Sterne von Babylon (The Stars of Babylon, available thus far only in German).

The Path of EN.LIL is north of (above) 16.°69 declination.
Sumerian NIN.da represents the breeding bull and seed funnel, NININ penned-up cattle and gi.LIL.i is a herd of animals. So a cow is used as a symbol for the path of EN.LIL
This is the upper world.
The Path of ANU is between + 16.°69 and -16.°69 declination.
Sumerian AN+shu (Latvian ANsis means donkey, AUNS means "ram", AN means "sky, heaven" whence Latvian ENA "eclipse") - so the three terms here are homophonic.
This is the path of the eclipses.

The Path of EA is south of (below) - 16.°69 declination.
Werner Papke describes it as the path of water.
Sumerian E means irrigation ditch, boundary canal, to water.
This is the netherworld.

Saturday, December 21, 2002

LexiLine Journal #97 - 2002 : Stonehenge : Breastplate of the High Priest



To our LexiLine Files in the Ancient Britain folder I have added

breastpl.gif and

showing the largest gold object ever found in the Stonehenge environs.

It was found on the breast of a skeleton in Barrow 158 about one- half mile south of Stonehenge in a barrow which - according to my decipherment of the barrows of Stonehenge previously posted to the LexiLine Ancient Britain files - is placed exactly in the "cup" of the Big Dipper, i.e. Ursa Major, thus giving it a very special significance.

This breastplate is in my analysis clearly the Stonehenge Breastplate of the high priest or druid - marking a 24-hour astronomical clock around its perimeter - and I regard it - very speculatively of course - to be the predecessor to the later Breastplate of the Cohen Gadol, as used by the Hebrews. According to F. Graham Millar, the Hebrew breastplate goes back to astronomical origins in the Zodiac of stars.

This Zodiac - as we see in the middle of nine squares - was originally nine and not twelve (as in the later case of the Hebrews). This is confirmed in Latvian mythology - nine being the older number of Zodiacal divisions in the Dainas - the Nine Sons of God. See also the Sumerian Sons of God.

The basic astronomy measurement system used I have already long ago uploaded to the Ancient Britain file as astrgeom.tif showing how such a square system would look. For Stonehenge, which may date to ca. 1750 BC, the major axis then would however be along the Milky Way and not along the Solstices. It all depends on when the breastplate or a previous model was made - and this could be much further back in time. This is unclear for now.

Also unclear is how many lines (if any on the original at all) are actually carved into the gold breastplate - the woodcut can not be used to know this - one would have to examine the original gold object. The corners seem to have 30, so 12 x 30 would be 360, but the woodcut has fewer lines than that. I would imagine that each line on the breastplate represented a day, but I might be wrong. I would at least count the lines on the original Stonehenge Breastplate to check this out.

LexiLine Journal #96 - 2002 : Legend Rock Wyoming Ancient Geodetic Position



To the LexiLine files for North America

I have added

cahokia2.gif and

showing how the Legend Rock site in Wyoming near Thermopolis fits exactly into the geodetic survey that I claim was made of North America (including what is today the USA) ca. 3000 BC. Indeed it is on a major survey line running through Cahokia.

[UPDATE 2006 - that graphic has since then been supplanted by cahokia 3.gif]

This again is a particularly gratifying proof for me since I was not aware of the Legend Rock site prior to Sammye's posting of it to this list. See her Legend Rock photos in the LexiLine Newsletter "Photos" file.

From this analysis we can see that Legend Rock marks the site of Ophiuchus in the geodetic survey by astronomy which the ancients made in the prehistoric era.

On the coasts,
the Indian mounds near Portland, Oregon on the West
and the Indian mounds of the Pee Dee River region on the East
(north of Charleston, South Carolina)
would seem to mark the ends of this line of survey.

It is a line which runs parallel to two other major survey lines in ancient America, as already previously discovered by me and posted to this list:

1) the line which runs from the Miami Circle, Florida, to Mount
Sano, Louisiana, to Clovis, New Mexico, and to ca. Palo Alto in
California, and

2) the line running from Montville, Connecticut through
Peterborough, Canada, from there on to Thunder Bay, and from there to
Whitehorse in the Yukon.

In addition, Thermopolis then marks the middle position between Clovis and ca. Saskatoon on one of the major vertical survey lines.

Put bluntly, Legend Rock fits perfectly into this previously discovered system.

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

LexiLine Journal #95 - 2002 : Most Ancient Script in Mexico ?



For the discovery of what is now claimed to be the oldest script in
ancient Mexico see

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

LexiLine Journal #94 - 2002 : Biblical Chronology - Eclipses



I have found a new proof of the ca. 28-year error in Biblical chronology.

I have previously written about the error present in Biblical Chronology and thus also present in all of classical Greek and Roman chronology as well. As I already have reported, the German dendrochronologist Ernst Hollstein showed in 1980 that the tree rings in Europe diverged ca. 26 to 30 years from historical chronology.

Unaware of Hollstein's work, Mitchell similarly pointed out that a ca. 26 to 30-year difference is found in trying to reconcile the astronomy of Ptolemy with the Babylonian lists of kings.

Thiele writes for example: "For many years Old Testament scholars have noticed that a total of 128 regnal years for the rulers of Judah from the accession of Athaliah to the end of Azariah ... was about a quarter of a century in excess of the years of contemporary Assyria ...."

In the Bible, Amos 8:9 says "'And on that day,' says the Lord God, 'I will make the Sun go down at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight.' This is the alleged 763 BC solar eclipse used by mainstream chronology to "mesh" Biblical and Assyrian chronology. It is the wrong eclipse.

This solar eclipse can not be the solar eclipse of June 15, 763 B.C. according to Starry Night Pro. There is NOTHING at all special about the June 15, 763 BC solar eclipse, which takes place early in the morning and not in the middle of the day, and on no special day.

The eclipse of June 24, 791 BC on the other hand, IS SPECIAL. It takes place at the Summer Solstice during the afternoon, i.e. near the middle of the day and it takes place in terms of totality on a path near Cairo, Egypt.

There is no doubt that the current mainstream use of the June 15, 763 BC eclipse for this biblical date is wrong and that the eclipse of June 24, 791 BC is the right one.

Biblical dating is thus off by ca. 28 years at this point in history.

Sunday, December 08, 2002

LexiLine Journal #93 - 2002 : Treasures of the World



This newsletter relates to the website

Let me quote the material from that website:

"In striking pictures, shot on 35mm film, the TV programme »Treasures of the World« tells the stories of this World Heritage in now more than 200 episodes. For the time being, the website's full range of features (picture-book with playback function, the actual films as Real Video plus extensive background information) is only available in German although an English version is in preparation."

This is a truly wonderful and exceptional site which includes some videos of historical sites of the world as well as many other scenic places throughout the globe. The photography is quite good.

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