Tuesday, June 24, 2003

UK Prehistoric Cave Art Creswell Crags - 211 LexiLine Journal


The following article relates to
Cave Rock Art found at Creswell Crags in the United Kingdom


As I have posted long ago in my decipherment of the megaliths
of Ancient Britian, the caves of Creswell Crags were used for
geographic survey by the stars in the megalithic system

Hence, although I do not know from these articles
just which caves contain which rock art,
I am sure we will find an astronomical correspondence
ultimately for these prehistoric cave paintings,
once their location is clear.

Note, however, how sloppy the archaeological reporting is,
not giving exact locations of findings, but only general isolated
information and lots of speculative and completely unfounded
interpretation, especially about dating of the art, rather than just
presenting the facts as they are.

Indeed, my major problem in deciphering the megaliths has not been
their decipherment - the major problem has been to find accurate,
complete and non-subjective description and/or reporting about sites
which I myself have not visited in person. The archaeologists are
too busy dating their "sensational" finds rather than doing their
job - which is to describe what they have found for those who are
better at interpreting their findings than they are themselves.

That is the rather dismal state of mainstream archaeology today.

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